I do not want to say anything, I just want to be away from these things as much as possible.
I do not want to say one of the programs in detail, more importantly, I always have to solve the knot.
The things I do not want to say, I really am sad I did not expect that trust should have done such a thing.
Because I do not want to say, no one will understand what I was thinking, I do not want them to know what I think.
I do not want to say any more on how how late, because I will never arise after absenteeism harm to others in this matter.
I do not want to say, it is this: " don't melon " " Chollima Huang Rong barbecue smoked, Zhang called heavy snow was black.
原文我想不用说了吧,译文是这样的:《别冬瓜》“千里马黄蓉烤肉醺,张召重吹雪满脸黑。 李莫愁前途无知已,天下会谁人不识君。”
I do not want to say I wish you happiness, I only hope that six years later, I am committed to do so, and leave you smartly!
I do not want to say, as Oscar Wilde did, that "each man kills the thing he loves"; however, hurting one's beloved is frequent.
LZ I really do not want to say to you, you think you WOW people thinking it's related to the Friends of obscene and dirty, like you do?
Oh, anyway, this is my true feelings to consume later, for the dishes I do not want to say anything, do not Wulin that family feel better.
Graduated, do not want to say goodbye! Really do not want to! Graduate, how should we say goodbye to the three years of the life of the school?
Do not want to say to strangers, do not know a friend, please slow down the pace of the day we need to go slowly, right, do not forget to send your bright smile.
So I gave up a lot of trading opportunities, but I feel at ease and is a map of the buyer is responsible for it, others do not want to say that I am not worth anything!
"I do not want to say that the prosecutor has got it wrong - but I do not believe the fear (there is a risk) of aggravating the facts or of flight," said Professor Holsbauer.
布雷诺的心理医生,著名的马科斯-普兰克精神研究所所长,抑郁症治疗领域的专家豪斯鲍尔教授说:“我并不想说检察官的做法是不正确的,但是我确实不认为布雷诺有可能会逃跑。” 他同时表示,布雷诺是一个非常友善的人。
According to her, if you want to say hello to others, do not hug or kiss.
If you do not want to have fear in the Day of Judgment, if you want to be ready, the way is to go to the Lord and say, "Lord, here I am."
If Americans do not want their oil, then Alberta will build a pipeline to the west coast and sell it to China, they say.
They say, in effect: we do not want to buy or sell the products of the illegitimate settlement program, but we are happy to buy or sell Israeli goods because Israel is a legitimate state.
Company officials say they do not want to pressure engineers and pilots into meeting a deadline.
That's not to say unhappy workers don't have valid complaints. One thing you don't want to do, however, is let your feelings boil over at work.
Here are a few tips: First, think about what you want to say, not what you don't want to say, because when you try not to think or do something, it is often more likely to occur.
The Ethiopians say they are keen to go but do not want to leave a security vacuum.
I do not want to give away all the secrets but I can say that the guide really works.
I do not want to give away all the secrets but I can say that the guide really works.