What I do know for certain, however, is that one night, a night when he and I both needed it most, I made him laugh, and that makes me proud.
If they do, the takeover of the journal will eventually be seen not as the dismantling of a proud journalistic culture but as the creation of a sturdy new one.
Well, to me I am always proud of my work, but I never think this one would be a masterpiece before I do it.
We are very proud of what you have accomplished so far. You should be proud too. Keep doing well. Keep trying your hardest at everything you do. No one can ask for more than that.
"To come hat in hand" is one thing that a proud, independent man with a feeling for his own personal value, will not do --- not if he can help it.
“手持帽子求人”,凡是自豪、能够自立、有自尊心的人都不会干这种事--除非他万不得已。 。
To do so, you will be happy on one hand, and your parents will be proud of you on the other hand.
You might do this on a large scale or a small one, but either way you'll be proud of your involvement.
One day, shortly after the birth of their new baby, the mother had to go out to do some errands, so the proud father stayed home to watch his wonderful new son.
可是,妈妈刚出去一会,孩子就开始哭了。 那位新爸爸使尽了浑身解数,但就是没法让孩子不哭。最后,孩子爸爸有点担心了,决定抱着孩子去找医生看看。
One day, shortly after the birth of their new baby, the mother had to go out to do some errands, so the proud father stayed home to watch his wonderful new son.
可是,妈妈刚出去一会,孩子就开始哭了。 那位新爸爸使尽了浑身解数,但就是没法让孩子不哭。最后,孩子爸爸有点担心了,决定抱着孩子去找医生看看。