Many of the schemes now suggested look to do the opposite, and reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the planet.
In fact we may even go out of our way to do the opposite of an outgroup.
ABS is the first system in the car that can do the opposite as the driver commands.
Then do the opposite of Mick Jagger and tell her: let's not spend the night together。
Women tend to buy nice things to impress other women, while men tend to do the opposite.
If you want to be dull try the following list. If you want to be interesting do the opposite.
Vertical lines make short women look thinner and taller; horizontal lines do the opposite.
When we do the opposite of what our emotions urge, we can start to decrease that emotion.
A way out of is to do the opposite and open your awareness to include everything around you.
Unhappy people do the opposite: they spend too much time thinking about what they don't have.
Should it do the opposite and stretch out the station's construction to reduce its annual cost?
One will tell me to do one thing and the other comes along two hours later and tells me to do the opposite.
After 28, please contact with intuition, love with your experience; and do the opposite things before 28.
It took me years to realize that if you want a girl to do something, you got to tell her to do the opposite.
Do: decoration workers do the opposite door cheap, suitable for the style of family with special requirements.
"The textbook notion is that F-BAR proteins fold inward, but here we show it can do the opposite" explains Polleux.
Polleux解释说:“课本上说F - BAR蛋白质向内弯曲,但是这里我们看到的是相反的情形。”
Actually, they do the opposite. They piled into the market in 1999-2000, at the peak, and are piling out of it now.
但实际上他们的做法却正相反,在1999- 2000年的高点杀入市场,却在当下割肉逃出。
Moreover, in some cases a pilot might wish to do the opposite and promote turbulent flow-for example, when slowing down.
The obvious answer is to do the opposite, scrap all documentation including any end user instructions or help files.
Phoebe: it's a voice in your head that makes you do the opposite of what you're supposed to. It makes you break rules.
Life has no purpose, it's everywhere undone by arbitrariness. I do this, and it matters not a jot if I do the opposite.
When Nasreddin was a boy, he never did what he was told, so his father always told him to do the opposite of what he wanted him to do.
TDD requires that you do the opposite: write the test first and allow it to inform how you write the code that makes the test pass.
For instance, it's well known that East Asian cultures prize the collective over the individual, and that Americans do the opposite.
It is a Sino-foreign joint ventures in transport logistics to do, as well as procurement of part-time assistants to do the opposite.
IF THE habit of the old pre-bankruptcy General Motors was reliably to overpromise and underdeliver, “new” GM is determined to do the opposite.
Tell someone (particularly children) to do the opposite of what you really want, and they will rebel and actually end up doing what you want.
Since he runs his own business, which he inherited from his father, he can start and end his day early in hot weather or do the opposite when it's cold.
Since he runs his own business, which he inherited from his father, he can start and end his day early in hot weather or do the opposite when it's cold.