"But I've always found that when you do the simple things regularly, you get the best results." This is true when it comes to Downing's workout nutrition.
The simple act of sitting and talking about things that matter can do wonders to deepen the understanding we have for one another.
There are three simple things any business can do to improve its feng shui, according to Mr Brown: bring in plants; position desks so that people face into the room; and get rid of clutter.
Without gesture support, simple things that you need to do all the time on mobile devices - such as zooming out on content, repositioning, then zooming back in is a complex process.
A nice, clean API that makes it easy to do simple things, but provides all the power of libxml2 if you need it.
Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. friedrich.
Although doing this can be a very useful method for simple applications, the application needs to do all five things mentioned above.
You can run StatCVS from the command line, so it's a simple matter to do that in a script. Here are a few things to keep in mind.
We're so caught up in trying to do everything, experience all the essential things, not miss out on anything important... that we forget the simple fact that we cannot experience everything.
We're so caught up in trying to do everything, experience all the essential things, not miss out on anything important … that we forget the simple fact that we cannot experience everything.
In all of the projects that we looked at in our review, an overarching problem presented itself: it took many lines of code to do simple things.
In all of the projects that we looked at in our review, an overarching problem presented itself: it took many lines of code to do simple things.
If you do then the reason is quite simple; it's because you've conditioned your mind to look at all the things that are missing in your life.
What I mean by that is particularly with the control and how you're able to do so many different things by combining motion with just a few simple button presses.
These artifacts do not replace the product backlog but instead should elaborate and explain its content. And keep things simple.
If you don't live near your Dad, you can promise to do a few things to help out around the house on the next visit-then follow through! Something simple.
On the other hand, if you think that they are both necessary, you can decide to do both (though you shouldn't forget to keep things simple).
Fortunately, this heel pain will resolve over time with but the process can take up to a year in severe cases. However, there are several simple things that you can do to assist the healing process.
Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.
Do all the ordinary things well is not ordinary; Do all the simple things well is not simple.
It has discovered the most effective and simple way to do online classifieds, buy and sell things, find a job, and make a hire.
Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things well.
You're trying to making it as simple as possible so as to reveal the structure of the argument and you do that by getting rid of all the things that are just confusing you.
Deploying and running the sample application is very simple. You just need to do two things.
Martin Fowler: the thing I like about taking small steps and writing tests first is that it gives me a simple to do list of the things I've got to do.
To do simple things thoroughly, the classic, do the common things to do every little thing.
Next to him was Steven, also 8, who cracked open "50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth" with one hand and held on to a counselor with the other.
Put each piece of the simple things well is not simple; each an ordinary thing to do is extraordinary.
Do you take the time to explain things when a colleague asks a simple question, or do you get annoyed?
Do you take the time to explain things when a colleague asks a simple question, or do you get annoyed?