After spending hours indoors, do you feel better when you visit your local park?
So I asked him, When you stand in this place, do you feel better or worse?
Do you think music can make people feel better or help them to learn?
That means to tell the other person how you're feeling, why you feel that way, and what he or she can please do to make it better.
Do they really feel essential to your life, or when you think about them, do you feel like you'd be better off if you spent money on the list of goals you created earlier this month?
However, if your Plan B is something you’re passionate about and you feel you can do it better than most and make a living at it, why not give it all you’ve got?
Living with a boy means to bring in more vigor, which not only weaken the economic pressure but also feel better when you do not want to be alone.
Do you feel that you could be in a better position if you resisted some of those temptations?
Stop forcing others to do what will make you feel better, instead of what they want.
"If you do it just before you go to bed, it gets into your subconscious and makes you feel better in the morning," Goldsmith says.
When you feel down in the dumps it is fantastic to think “what would [insert hero] do” and then rely on that judgment. Sometimes two heads are better than one.
When you test yourself as you study, you may feel like you're making it harder on yourself, but on the test, you will do much better.
If you feel like eating a carton of ice-cream for dinner, you're free to do so, but that won't make you any better,... and you want to be better.
You may not pare down your to-do list, but you'll feel much better about work in the morning.
You feel an overwhelming and prolonged sense of helplessness and sadness, and your problems do not seem to get better despite your efforts and help from family and friends.
Find something else to do — almost anything will help you feel better than you would feel after watching an hour or two of television.
Find something else to do - almost anything will help you feel better than you would feel after watching an hour or two of television.
Do you “treat yourself” to candy bars and cookies, in order to feel better about work?
You can actually do better (and feel better about your performance) if you keep the stress at bay and focus on simple study skills over the next few weeks.
But it is important to realize that these feelings are part of the depression and do not reflect your real circumstances. Treatment can help you feel better.
If you're not in this, but do some other form of physical activity you are comfortable with. This releases endorphins, and you will feel better instantly.
You have a strong need for friends who support you in whatever you do and who make you feel better about yourself.
Helping others is a win-win situation, because not only do they get something they need, but you also feel better afterwards.
Find things you like to do that can take your mind off of... your mind! It will also make you feel better about yourself.
Do something that makes you smile. Watch your favorite sit-com or read the comics. Smiling make you feel better.
If you deliberately take steps to do the work you love instead of the work you don't enjoy, most of us would agree that you'll feel a lot better about yourself.
(After three minutes) you do have a temperature. I'll give you an injection. You'll feel better soon.
If "tis better to give than receive, " why would you feel used when you do just that?
If "tis better to give than receive, " why would you feel used when you do just that?