The framework is one in which there are right answers and, if you know those answers, you do well and get to feel smart.
Oprah: You know, I actually started to feel it when I…when I had the option, you know, well, the question was do I leave in two thousand and…you know how I like numbers.
At the meeting explain very calmly and rationally that you do not feel the relationship is working well and that you would like to explore why and how to improve it.
If you don't feel uplifted at the thought of focusing on your goals, you might as well not do the exercise today.
Well then, do you feel that the spaced out release of the Wallace and Gromit films allows the level of quality to be kept high?
And with those feelings out of your mind and body it becomes easier to focus, to feel positive feelings and actually perform well and learn to do whatever you have set your mind upon.
Do you feel all your needs are well met - your physical needs, emotional needs, social needs, self esteem needs, etc?
Dashan: Well, do you and Rumei feel like going to the gallery and having a closer look?
It is involved in absolutely everything you do. Your brain determines how you think, how you feel, how you act, and how well you get along with other people.
So, if I wanted to cause you to feel moral concern for a fetus, I would do well to describe it as a pre-born child.
How often do you feel tired in your physical body, or suffer pain and disability, well let us say that all of it will be put behind you when you rise up.
Well, it depends what you're up for? Do you feel like something light and healthy?
In traditional motion sickness, the mismatch occurs because you feel movement in your muscles and joints as well as in the intricate coils of your inner ear, but you do not see it.
Napping during the day might seem like the right thing to do when you feel tired, but if you plan on sleeping well at night think again.
As you might expect, well-being at work came down to a mix of factors, including the working environment, how much people feel appreciated and how they feel about the work they do.
But I feel very meaningful volunteer work, I hope you can give me this opportunity, let me have a chance to show themselves, I believe I can do well!
In the meantime, there are things you can do, as well as things you can avoid, to help yourself feel better, or at least keep from sinking deeper into depression.
Dashan: Well, do you and Rumei feel like going to the gallery and having a closer look? The gallery's just around the corner.
Dashan: : Well, do you and Rumei feel like going to the gallery and having a closer look? The gallery's just around the corner.
You always do well when your ruling planet, Mars, is in a fire sign, for he can support you in a much more wholehearted way, and you're sure to feel the results.
Older generations normally dress cool and casual and in general you won't feel out of place if you do as well.
Do you feel good every morning? Well it should and here are a few absolute 'musts' to tell yourself every day, first thing in the morning, for a better, happier, more successful day, every day.
Karen: Harold, I realize that we do not know each other well , but I really feel it was an injustice for you to hang up on me the other night.
Karen: Harold, I realize that we do not know each other well , but I really feel it was an injustice for you to hang up on me the other night.