But Dad, do you know that there is actually a generation gap between us? Increasingly, I feel that you do not understand me and the way that you love me is not the way that I really want.
I do wish I would not interrogate you, but it seems to me that our time of interdependence is over, and I really should like to know why.
You do not know what he really is; then pray do not pain me by speaking of him in such terms.
Do you know I have been waiting for you? If you really care about me, why do you keep the rose trembling in the wind..
A really good friend of mine I think some of you know him James Brown called me and he, and I said "James, what should I do?"
I know, you can give, I do not say you gave me, but, I am really tired ah.
I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, so we're really not that different, you and me.
But these techniques have worked wonders for me... and I know that if you really put your best foot forward, they will do the same for you.
I want to Learn English Well but I really don't know what to do. Could you give me some advice?
Childs: So, how do we know who's human? If I was an imitation, a perfect imitation, how would you know it was really me?
I know that it is really troublesome to describe the goods for me, but I do hope you could give the information about these goods so that we could continue our business together.
Karen: Harold, I realize that we do not know each other well , but I really feel it was an injustice for you to hang up on me the other night.
Really, how do you know? (laugh) I think everyone knows by now that the work requires me to be certain thing but it's not in my personal life.
It is now found that, in fact, you are really good for me, then I was cheated you, joking with you, but do not know the deep hurt you.
Sometimes, I do feel lack of love as I'm staying by myself in Taiwan but what really kept me going is the love and support from all of you... you know why I always say this?
Therefore, they were no longer contact you, do not bother you, I really really want to contact you but I do not know how to contact you to tell me the answer it!
Zina: : Do you want to know what really 1 motivates Vince to be nice to me?
And I know you do the same things too, so we're really not that different, me and you.
And I know you do the same things too, so we're really not that different, you and me.
You want me to know or (You) do not know what to tell the truth I don't really know.
Zina: Do you want to know what really 1 motivates Vince to be nice to me?
It's shouldn't hurt me to be free, it's what I really need, to pull myself together, But if it's so good being free, Would you mind telling me, Why I don't know what to do with myself.
It's shouldn't hurt me to be free, it's what I really need, to pull myself together, But if it's so good being free, Would you mind telling me, Why I don't know what to do with myself.