Liquid fuels. qualitative investigation of sulphur in light hydrocarbons. plumbite method doctor test.
The teacher sent me home with a note for my mother that said I needed to visit the eye doctor because I failed the vision test.
The doctor will examine your throat, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound your heart and lungs, check your teeth or have your chest X-rayed.
医生会检查你的喉咙,给你测血压,量体温,检查你的心肺,牙齿或者做胸部 x 光检查。
The doctor gave people a maths test.
To see if you have high cholesterol, talk to your doctor, who can test your cholesterol levels by drawing a sample of your blood.
If you want to know whether your doctor orders more tests to make moremoney, ask her how much the tests cost, and how much she thinks she makes forordering the test.
"I was going through a nervous breakdown at that moment," she recalled. "There was no one standing during the test, except for a woman and the male doctor."
Your primary doctor can test your thyroid function, and if needed prescribe synthetic thyroid hormones to help your lagging gland.
She went to her college infirmar with each attack, where the doctor would give her a pregnancy test.
Nina brings Teri and Kim to a suburban house guarded by CTU agents. Hidden in her bathroom, Teri takes the home pregnancy test given to her by the doctor.
If there's a doctor in the house, by all means, let us know if and how the psychological indicators of the test have changed over time.
Weissleder hopes the device would allow a doctor to test a needle biopsy sample within minutes of collecting it and tell the patient the results as soon as he or she awakes from the procedure.
Weissleder希望微型核磁共振机将帮助医生在不到一小时内完成采集和检测一个针头大小的活体样本, 这样当患者从采集过程的昏睡中苏醒的时候, 就能得知检测结果了.
The CDC's study gives one reason why: even if patients go to the doctor to be tested, and not all do, the instant test does not do a good job of detecting swine flu.
A week or so before your surgery, your doctor performs a painless ultrasound test to measure the size and shape of your eye.
If your doctor didn't recommend a CVS test in your first trimester you'll need to consider prenatal testing now.
First, ask your doctor for copies of your medical records and test results, and don't be shy about quizzing him on what they mean.
Your doctor can diagnose a case of the flu in 30 minutes using a rapid flu test.
Even without the test, your doctor will probably be able to make a diagnosis based on your symptoms alone, particularly if there is an outbreak of the flu in your area.
According to data provided by doctor, under the assumption that sample is normal, performed frequency analysis, pair test and variance analysis.
"I have a test on Monday," I said foolishly, thinking that the doctor would postpone surgery so I could ace1 my humanities test.
Colorectal Screening. Starting at age50, this test should be performed every1 ~ 10years, depending upon the test your doctor USES.
结肠直肠检查。50岁开始,每1 ~10年应做这项检验,视你的医生所用的检验方法而定。
What if I test positive for osteoarthritis: if you test positive then the doctor considers treatment.
If you still haven't delivered at 40 weeks, your doctor may administer a non-stress test a couple of times a week to check on the baby's condition.
If your doctor thinks you have hearing loss, he or she may use a "whisper" test or tuning fork to test your hearing.
The doctor said he provided too little information to make a judgment, and suggested a simple test which would provide more data.
However, from the patient's perspective, having a doctor who recommends frequent checkups or a particular screening test can prove invaluable.
However, from the patient's perspective, having a doctor who recommends frequent checkups or a particular screening test can prove invaluable.