You have copied the SUSE installation CD image to a directory under the Web server document root directory.
The code that drove the Web sites consisted of a few hundred PHP source modules spread out over 30 subdirectories in the Apache document root directory.
You should see a new XML file in the root directory of your c: drive containing the instance document as it existed when you saved it.
If you use XAMPP, look inside the XAMPP installation directory for a subdirectory named htdocs-this is your Apache document root.
The "base URL" means the document root (directory) where you placed your Drupal files (and is defined in your web server configuration file).
The document is to teach you how to find the root directory you want to delete the folder.
For example, in the root directory of your D document under unknown, it must be a problem.
In the Document Root field, enter the directory that will contain the addon domain's files.
In the Document Root field, enter the directory that will contain the addon domain's files.