You figure out what to do with those Dodger tickets?
Jackie Robinson was a Brooklyn Dodger and not a Met.
Fagan's the name and I don't think he'll need any help from the Artful Dodger!
And he doesn't need the help of the Artful Dodger to pick up anything that glitters.
How do you convert a Spread-Too-Thinner or an Artful Dodger into a productive team member?
Robinson starred on Brooklyn Dodger teams that won six pennants and a World Series championship.
The Dodger slid out of his coat in one smooth movement, leaving Fagin holding only the empty coat.
The Artful Dodger sent Oliver out to pick a few pockets, and told him not to come back empty-handed.
There's only one seat left on the bus but I think I'll stand. I'm notsitting next to that soap dodger.
The Dodger sighed again, and resumed his pipe: as did Charley Bates. They both smoked, for some seconds, in silence.
While the se events were happening in the workhouse, the Artful Dodger and Charley Bates were playing CARDS in Fagin's house.
If you're dealing with an Artful Dodger, then you may have to apply more drastic measures and reduce his list to one task at a time.
The Dodger differs from the Spread-Too-Thinner in one important way: he intentionally volunteers for more tasks than he can possibly perform.
Sarah leaned over the computer and used her pointer to call up a story on the Dodger Place website. Peck by peck, she began adding to that story.
The championship game of the World Baseball Classic, a 16-nation tournament held once every four years, is played in Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles.
After that evening he was rarely on his own again. He spent a lot of time with the Dodger and Charley, and often played the hand kerchief game with them.
"Someone got on without a ticket, " he said, nodding behind him at where another guard was leading the culprit. That was a relief: a fare-dodger, big deal.
Perhaps it all began with the chocolate chip cookie and its many variants, which have proven so popular that recent reports suggest the Jammy Dodger may be in jeopardy.
BERLIN ( Reuters )- The new head of Berlin 's local rail system admits he used to be a fare-dodger but stopped riding local trains busses without a ticket more than seven years ago .
BERLIN ( Reuters )- The new head of Berlin 's local rail system admits he used to be a fare-dodger but stopped riding local trains busses without a ticket more than seven years ago .