NET does not directly provide services for securing or encrypting data.
The controller, though, does not directly communicate with the view class.
In an operational database, the user does not directly interact with the database.
It is generally agreed that a panic attack does not directly endanger a person's life.
Although Switzerland is member of the EFTA, it does not directly apply the CE Marking.
Notice that the test automation does not directly simulate user actions at a very low level.
Nonetheless, it “expects” suppliers to operate in a manner that does not directly support armed conflict.
The law pays attention to the standard of man's behavior, but does not directly standardize his thought.
Other stacks, some architectures (ARM) can have other stacks but the OS does not directly use any of them.
Unlike spending on things like road construction or healthcare, a tax cut does not directly generate demand.
The book's scene along the Hudson River does not directly state that waters have risen, but talks about the wall.
BlazeDS is mainly a subset of LCDS and does not directly provide any data management features (see this picture).
To prevent algae growth, make sure that the sun does not directly shine on the water bottle for long periods of time.
The MySQL database supports enum string enumerated data types which the DB2 database product does not directly support.
MySQL数据库支持DB 2数据库产品不直接支持的ENUM字符串枚举数据类型。
It does not directly related to architectural form, to be more exact, having nothing to do with architectural style and trend.
It does not directly support editing files in this format, although you could edit them using the open source (Eclipse UML2) editor.
For example, a method table does not directly store the name of a particular method, but points to the method's name stored in the string heap.
The only reasonable guess for a potential (although unlikely) skirmish would be in the South China Sea and that does not directly involve India.
Mr Pan complains thatSEPA cannot effectively push through central edicts because it does not directly employ environmental personnel at the local level.
Upgrading of equipments does not directly influence product quality and grades but also significantly reflects integrated strength of an enterprise.
A timeron does not directly equate to any actual elapsed time, but gives a rough relative estimate of the resources (cost) required by the database manager.
Such decomposition does not directly address the positioning of the business rules - another frequently changing component of the overall it implementation.
But if the partner is remote, then CICS does not directly trust the partner to assert unauthenticated user IDs unless it identifies itself with a trusted digital certificate.
Of course, this does not directly address the problem of not writing data blocks in time, but writing metadata more frequently does encourage data to be written more frequently as well.
Of course, this does not directly address the problem of not writing data blocks in time, but writing metadata more frequently does encourage data to be written more frequently as well.