However much countries may now regret joining the euro, leaving it does not make sense.
Start the test constantly from this point on, even when you think it does not make sense.
They say the idea does not make sense for a country as large and diverse as the United States.
As you've seen so far in this article, sometimes a servlet-generated VXML does not make sense.
ANSWER: The most common response is that as God is omnipotent, "can not lift" does not make sense.
In a British radio interview, he says Iran's choice to enrich its own uranium does not make sense.
The comments only apply to a single post, so it does not make sense to separate them from that post.
If an assignment does not make sense, it's your responsibility to find out what really has to happen.
Although his writing does not make sense, Fred is positive that his composition will score a high mark.
Therefore, it does not make sense to give a column a default sort order that makes it already sorted, in most cases.
Search engine's are smart enough to know when keyword positioning does not make sense and will penalize you for it.
If the joke is related to the word itself, then maybe that is why the joke does not make sense in your native language.
The birds were checking bivouacs when they were not hungry, a behaviour that does not make sense until the next morning.
But in the 21st century, it does not make sense to apply the zero-sum 19th century theories of how major powers interact.
"It does not make sense to have just one candidate taking part - the people would know the results before they go to the polls," he said.
Since we must always pay attention to practicing musically, it does not make sense to practice on a piano that cannot produce proper music.
Due to the heavy load on the database system, it does not make sense to have several threads cleaning the process or task instances at the same time.
But Mr Duncan has vigorously argued that it does not make sense "to take kids out of a school where they're happy and safe and satisfied and learning".
A vicious circle of price rises, stockpiling and export bans does not make sense in the medium term for any commodity, whether cotton, Onions or iron ore.
Using the example from earlier, it does not make sense to mount the engine of the bike to the frame of the bike before the pistons and carburettor are in place yet.
"Yu is a professor while Li is a singer. It does not make sense to decide who is much more beautiful, " Shanghai Fudan University professor Liang Yong'an said.
"Yu is a professor while Li is a singer. It does not make sense to decide who is much more beautiful, " Shanghai Fudan University professor Liang Yong'an said.