The painting will be withdrawn when it does not reach its reserve.
The Cherokees believe a man does not reach full maturity until he is fifty-one.
Tens of thousands will die if treatment does not reach them soon, Unicef warns.
There is no criterion and supervision. Frugality does not reach honour;Luxury guilt.
There is no criterion and supervision. Frugality does not reach honour; Luxury guilt.
Indeed, a child's immune response does not reach its full strength until age five or so.
If this money does not reach the designated position, still a half moon was about to close.
If your child does not reach his ultimate goal, talk to him about what he learned on the way.
If Copenhagen does not reach agreement on it we will do it next year, either via a subsidy, levy or tax.
Small scale taxpayers now, invoice amount does not reach the ninety thousand quarter is exempted from VAT.
If the water depth does not reach the diving requirement, please do not dive or push people into the pool.
So when blood flow does not reach the eye, vision fails, and darkness ensues from the periphery to the center.
But the laugh does not reach his eyes. When he looks at you, the eyes of an old man stare out of a young face.
During our short days we experience cold, because the warming light of the sun does not reach our earth directly.
W. S. Rogers: The differential rate is really punishment when the worker does not reach the high fixed standard.
Once you find that your gain does not reach your expect, your confusion and disappointment will come into being.
If your order does not reach our minimum quantity per item, the unit price will be 10% higher than the usual price.
This is also like sweeping the floor; as a rule, where the broom does not reach, the dust will not vanish of itself.
The reason is very simple: if one attempts to climb a mountain, however high he reaches, he has failed if he does not reach the top.
Together, if the ground does not reach the request, in the future construction process is difficult to compensate for these shortcomings.
That’s because this process instance just completes the “Send a notice to auditor1 scope” and does not reach the “Send a notice to auditor2 scope”.
这是因为此流程实例只完成了 “Send a notice to auditor1scope”而未到达 “Send a notice to auditor2 scope”。
The majority of Arctics to my eye seem to have ochre-toned legs, and the supercilium does not reach the bill (which can be very hard to judge in the field).
Alternatively, if the seller has set a minimum sale price in advance (the 'reserve' price) and the final bid does not reach that price the item remains unsold.
Alternatively, if the seller has set a minimum sale price in advance (the 'reserve' price) and the final bid does not reach that price the item remains unsold.