But CRM is as much about the way you are doing business as the technology you are using.
If our counties continue doing business as we are then China will be the number one economy in the world.
Sole proprietorships and partnerships usually adopt a company name known as a DBA or "doing business as" that company name.
The installation must happen quickly as it is no doubt costing the bank time and money to continue doing business as usual.
From all visible signs, it's not a place where a news organization can survive by just doing business as usual, creating and marketing content.
Professor SHIBLEY TELHAMI (University of Maryland) : we're kind of reacting to events - what's next, how do we deal with it, how do we go about doing business as we have done it always.
The findings indicate that most of the Lifestyle tourism business owners have changed their attitudes towards doing business as a result of the commercialization of tourism in their area.
As a result, people like doing business with him and he has made many friends during his career.
Included in SG&A are salaries and costs of doing business, such as travel or advertising.
As a small company it was a survival issue for us to ensure customer success, and therefore it naturally became the centerpiece of our culture and our way of doing business.
Doing so will show your focus on revenue growth and will help you differentiate yourself as a business builder.
The potential to earn a very good living operating a business only part of the year is a genuine opportunity, as proven by the thousands of people who are currently doing it.
As punishment, the FSA last summer barred ChuoAoyama from doing business for two months with almost all of its corporate clients.
Things like transport, purchasing and warehousing used to be considered merely part of the cost of doing business, and were often managed as separate entities.
You implemented one of the components, ProcessOrder, with a business state machine, but we gave you only minimal background information about what you were doing as you were building it.
Pforzheimer said Yahoo's deal restricted vlingo from doing business with Yahoo's competitors, such as Google and Microsoft.
As a matter of fact, he had been doing business of silk and munitions with Pang Yunhao-one of the Four Elephants-for over a decade.
In doing so, I have witnessed no more than limited success when the industry standard is used as the process for the company, line of business, department, program, or some other organizational unit.
I know these steps will not sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business, and I know they are gearing up for a fight as we speak.
In a normal — in a simple partnership, the partnership would not be taxed because it's you doing business just as partners, so you are taxed but not the partnership.
However, doing this involves the application in low-level processes, such as message resend, complicating and confusing the definition of higher-level business processes.
There are minor aspects of the business to success that can be obtained with money, such as training or buying equipment, but the more success comes from doing your own business.
Business change that requires wholesale conversion to "a new way of doing business" (a desired state) is referred to as transformational change.
Exposure to public nervousness is a cost of doing business in the nuclear industry, just as exposure to volatile prices is a cost in the gas industry.
As the cloud becomes more a part of doing business, Microsoft may continue to have the upper hand, especially if it can execute on its partnerships with third-party application providers.
Beyond creating jobs for those who built and maintain it, the Internet functions as a powerful platform on which all sorts of new businesses-and ways of doing business-can be rolled out.
Most industries are suffering at present, but few are doing as badly as the news business.
As you work, take pride in the fact that you're doing the same thing professional filmmakers do, at least those in the documentary business.
As you work, take pride in the fact that you're doing the same thing professional filmmakers do, at least those in the documentary business.