The genetics suggest that "what we're doing makes sense when we work with these little kids -- and work and work and work -- and suddenly get through, " he said.
I suggest doing a project that is well suited for that language and doing it in that language's style.
We're not sure what Twitter is doing with all that money, but we would like to suggest that they use some of it to hire security professionals to help make the service safer... before it's too late.
So, if you are looking to service-orient your infrastructure, I would suggest that you data-orient first by doing a 5-point check to make sure that the foundation has the following capabilities
And that means doing nothing certainly that would suggest there is any prejudicing of the final terms for final status negotiations.
They suggest that Google will eventually be able to publish all the data it wants and be justified in so doing.
But a big part of this, I suggest, is the healthy belief that beauty, talent and intelligence should be their own reward that doing a good job should be satisfaction in itself.
This sounds a lot, though I suggest that, if it included the sort of multitasking mirror-gazing that I was doing just then, it might be fair enough.
For example, can you suggest that people upload images of a specific size instead of doing the image manipulation on the server side?
Of course, it's all well and good to suggest that you minify your source code, but how do you go about doing so?
In addition, the studies published this week suggest that granting exclusive rights over genes may be doing more harm than good.
Logically, that would seem to suggest that the priority should be doing what it takes to ensure lawbreaking is tackled, and is not ignored.
Please suggest that anyone who thinks of doing substantial further work on the program first free it from dependence on the non-free library.
But they say their findings suggest that supplements should only be used if there is a strong medically based cause for doing so because of the potential to cause harm.
She had the gall to suggest that I might supply her with information about what Steve was doing.
But I suggest that this proverb encourages us to be very active indeed-through prayer that connects us with understanding God's will, and then doing it.
Studies suggest that children spend more time on watching TV than they did in the past and spend less on doing active or creative things.
Studies suggest that children spend more and more time on watching TV than they did in the past and spend less time on doing active or creative things.
Studies suggest that doing so will increase your body's aerobic capacity within 12 weeks.
The results, reported in tomorrow's issue of Science, suggest that "we need intention to be aware of what we are doing," says Sirigu.
Worryingly our results suggest that by doing this, they could increase their risk of cancer coming back.
Rossi said these results suggest that mutations accumulating in stem cells as they age were preventing them from doing their normal job of producing new blood and immune system cells.
So I suggest that you should not forget the importance of doing excises and sports.
So I suggest that you should not forget the importance of doing excises and sports.