However, I do not believe that the Fed's primary intention was to cause a dollar depreciation.
In the significant dollar depreciation, under the situation of metal as basic resource commodities, has the strong financial attribute, creating years in succession highs.
Maybe the "new economy" has rendered the US economy more flexible and resilient so that the traditional relationship between dollar depreciation and inflation no longer holds.
We do not view this as the initiation of a major dollar up trend, but rather as a moderate recovery prior to another leg of more significant dollar depreciation in the medium term.
The outgoing IMF managing director said the depreciation of the dollar had been orderly, but cautioned there was a risk of a runaway sell-off that would hit growth in major economies.
This is in part due to exchange-rate movements: the depreciation of the dollar against many other currencies has blunted the impact of an increase in the dollar price of food.
Dollar bears argue that more currency depreciation is needed.
Analysts said the US Federal Reserve's decision to buy long-term Treasuries, which means printing new money, may also lead to a depreciation of the US dollar.
The recent yuan depreciation can be attributed to a stronger dollar, said Wang Chunying, spokesman for the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, said at a press conference on Friday.
This was the biggest increase in 25 years, reflecting both strong real growth and an 11 per cent hike in dollar prices due to depreciation of the US currency.
This would increase the money supply and inflation and also cause a depreciation in the value of the dollar.
The depreciation of the dollar raises concerns among world leaders who agreed at the last meeting to refrain from "competitive devaluation" of currencies.
For example, the euro dollar should depreciate moderately due to the current sluggish economy in Europe; the depreciation can help them make through the economic crisis.
The central bank set its daily reference rate below 6.5 yuan to the dollar for the first time since 2011, suggesting that it will tolerate more depreciation in the coming months.
The nominal depreciation of the U. s. dollar versus the other major currencies has been orderly, and options markets suggest that investors are not expecting sharp currency movements.
Markets see the U. s. dollar as facing pressure toward depreciation from a variety of sources.
Therefore, the depreciation of the US dollar as a result of an economic recession will have a great effect on us, " said Zhou Mingwang, the general manager of Yiwu Mingwang Jewelry Co Ltd."
Therefore, the depreciation of the US dollar as a result of an economic recession will have a great effect on us, " said Zhou Mingwang, the general manager of Yiwu Mingwang Jewelry Co Ltd."