S. announced to decouple Dollar from gold in 1973, and floated Dollar exchange rate.
The prices of products changed at present because US dollar exchange rate becomed blow.
Since 2001, the dollar exchange rate to other currencies has continuously decreased by 30%.
Of course, since the figure is measured in dollars, it is shaped by the won-dollar exchange rate.
And what's the easiest way for an importing country like the U.S. to send the dollar exchange rate down?
When the US dollar exchange rate is bearish, the investor will buy in Asian stocks with the dollars.
The dollar exchange rate would therefore adjust to cause fewer exports to other countries or more imports from the rest of the world.
After the exchange rate and the axle to 1997 year's end, the Renminbi continuously presented the rise situation to us dollar exchange rate.
During the first half of 2010 the eurozone enjoyed nominal short-term interest rates of near zero a big fall in the euro-dollar exchange rate and an expansive fiscal policy.
Volvo profits, at least in the short term, have been hedged against the impact of the falling dollar, but the lower dollar exchange rate shows clearly in the group's sales figures.
In September 1989 the exchange rate hovered around 140 yen to the dollar.
In general, China can keep its exchange rate even with the dollar only by creating new money at as fast of a rate as the Federal Reserve creates dollars.
The collapse of the dollar bloc, if it continues, will add to this exchange-rate volatility and in the worst case make it easier for beggar-thy-neighbor currency manipulation.
This is in part due to exchange-rate movements: the depreciation of the dollar against many other currencies has blunted the impact of an increase in the dollar price of food.
The problem is not the exchange rate of the dollar against the euro, but rather the relationship between the dollar and certain Asian currencies, to mention one, the Chinese Yuan.
The slowdown would reflect China's apparent new emphasis on managing the yuan against a basket of currencies, rather than focusing on the dollar-yuan exchange rate.
The exchange rate is around 185 rials per US dollar (compared to 4 rials per dollar in 1990).
兑换率约每美元:185个里尔。 (1990年每美元兑换4个里尔)。
Five years ago, China unhooked the yuan from its pegged exchange rate with the U.S. dollar and adopted a floating rate with a basket of currencies.
Since 1994, the real effective exchange rate of the Chinese yuan has appreciated by 57.9% against the dollar.
Countries could then reduce their dollar exposure without pushing down the dollar (although it is unclear who would bear any exchange-rate losses).
And since 1994, the real effective exchange rate of the Chinese Yuan has appreciated by 57.9% against the dollar.
The yuan has risen 3.2% against the dollar since June 19, when China pledged to increase exchange-rate flexibility, effectively ending a two-year-long peg to the dollar.
Venezuela devalued the bolivar for the second time in a year, abolishing a preferential rate of 2.6 bolivares to the dollar and unifying the official exchange rate at 4.3.
Venezuela devalued the bolivar for the second time in a year, abolishing a preferential rate of 2.6 bolivares to the dollar and unifying the official exchange rate at 4.3.