The donor cell and recipient cytoplasm are main factors in the nuclear transfer reprogramming.
Donor cell selection is critical for the success of cloning animal, and it is also an important factor affecting the cloning efficiency.
The effect of using donor cells of different cell cycle, cell type, chemical activation, as well as refrigeration, on cloning animal has been summarized.
A donor cell is fused to the egg by pulses of electricity, which break down the donor cell's outer membrane and allow the egg to envelope its new nucleus.
Wilmut said there were so many failures because it was difficult to ensure that the empty oocyst and the donor cell were at the same stage of the cell division cycle.
To discover whether donor cell patterns of gene expression truly persisted, the MGH team studied cells from genetically identical mice originally generated from iPSCs.
The donor nucleus must experienced the epigenetic modification of the process reprogramming and went back to the initial state after the donor cell was injected into the oocytes.
Through the data we found that growing cells do donor cell fusion rate and blastocyst rate were significantly higher than after treatment and contact inhibition in cells treated with serum starvation.
Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic copy of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism.
This article summarizes the results of islet cell transplantation before and after the advent of the new 'Edmonton protocol 'of immunosuppression and management of the donor pancreas.
ObjectiveTo study the role of donor specific blood transfusion (DST) and intra-thymic bone marrow cell injection (IBMC) in liver transplantation in rats.
Cryopreservation freezes the graft in glycerol, preserving the cell membrane integrity and donor fibrochondrocyte viability.
This provides another possible source of matched, unrelated stem cells for patients without a matched, related stem cell donor.
Donor age and corneal endothelial cell loss 5 years after successful corneal transplantation. Specular microscopy ancillary study results.
The median time to full donor myeloid cell and T cell chimerism was 4 and 8 weeks respectively.
Methods The donor spleen cells (SPC) or T cell depleted donor SPC were injected into the recipients which had been treated by"cells followed by CP system", after which skin grafting was performed.
Objiective To explore the effect of preservation through hapetic artery and washing biliary tract on biliary tract cell of rats donor liver in cold preservation.
Objective:To observe the effect of unrelated-donor peripheral blood stem cell transplantation(PBSCT) for patients with leukemia and the prophylaxis of complications.
Over the past years, the organization has collected more than five hundred thousand donor details, and over six hundred stem cell-transplants have been carried out successfully.
Objective:To investigate efficacy of unrelated donor allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation(UD-PBSCT) in treatment of severe aplastic anemia(SAA).
His team identified the dogs as clones of a cell donor through DNA tests and earlier this month introduced the achievement in a paper on the Web site of the journal "Genesis."
Object: To study the effect of preservation through hepatic artery and washing biliary tract on biliary tract cell of rats donor liver in cold preservation.
Then a reconstructed embryo was completed by the direct injection of the donor nucleus or cell without pulling out the injection pipette.
Part I Culture ex vivo and identify of dendritic cell (DC) Objective to investigate dendritic cells of peripheral blood of patient with hepatocellular carcinoma compared with that of normal donor.
The recent developments of polymer in solar cell were reviewed. electron donor materials and acceptor materials as the photovoltaic materials were detail described.
The use of antithymocyte globulin in a conditioning regimen prior to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with a sibling donor has been controversial.
Objective To insure success of unrelated-donor peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (URD-PBSCT) for patient with CML at the first time in chongqing.
目的确保重庆市首例非血缘异基因外周血干细胞移植(URD - PBSCT)治疗慢性粒细胞白血病成功。
Male donor chimerism were found on day 7 and 14 after allogeneic stem cell transplantation by Y-specific sequence and chromosome karyotype analysis.
Male donor chimerism were found on day 7 and 14 after allogeneic stem cell transplantation by Y-specific sequence and chromosome karyotype analysis.