Drugs that are safe in the dosage stated on the label may be very dangerous in large doses.
In fact, they are prescribed and they're given at a certain level, a dosage that is understood by a practitioner who's been trained.
A high dosage of yohimbine can cause strong hallucinations.
Many essential medicines do not exist in child-size dosage forms.
Flexible solid oral dosage forms of medicines are ideal for children.
Health care workers and carers of children need to expect 'preferred dosage forms'.
And at this point a higher dosage would have more side effects than the tumor itself.
The average dosage the subjects took was 450 milligrams, well below the 1, 000-milligram maximum level.
Adhering to the drug regimen can often be difficult, due to side effects or the frequency of dosage.
Oral medicine may come in a number of different dosage forms, such as tablets, capsules, and liquids.
Most of those side effects could be reversed by modifying the dosage or changing to an alternative medicine.
Promoting the need for flexible solid oral dosage forms and fixed-dose combinations for children is required.
Other remedies include fish oil and the herbs butterbur and stinging nettle (follow the dosage on the bottle).
Increasing the drug dosage might help address this issue, Cherala said, but also adds other health concerns.
The water should have a slight bleach odor. If it doesn't, then repeat the dosage and let stand another 15 minutes.
But, says Dr. Jaksa, 'in my experience, that only happens when the dosage is too high, or it's not the right medicine.'
These unwanted effects usually disappear spontaneously after 7-14 days or following a temporary reduction in the dosage.
这些副作用通常在7 - 14日之后,或者暂时降低剂量便自行消失。
Even missing as little as 25 percent of the prescribed dosage over a period of two weeks raised the risk of symptom return.
Cessation rates were even better among patients who gradually reduced their dosage under the supervision of a physician.
Some side effects may go away over time, others may be avoided by adjusting the dosage or switching to a different medication.
一些副作用会随时间而消失, 而还有一些则要通过调整药物的剂量或者换药来解决。
Talk to your healthcare provider about medications you’re taking—you may need to alter the dosage or stop taking some of them.
With a medically induced coma, the doctors can generally change the drug dosage to bring the patient back into consciousness.
People experiencing side effects can reduce their effects by simply reducing the dosage of fish oils or discontinue taking them.
Patients who responded positively to DBS required less medication after DBS implantation, either in dosage or in number of medications.
This initiative will aim to ensure that appropriate medicines and dosage forms are available and accessible to treat these diseases.
Herbal teas, or infusions, are best used for herbs whose ingredients are water-soluble or where precise dosage is relatively unimportant.
The same dosage given to a woman can also raise her aggression level, but will not have the same degree of chemical effect as for a man.
Which designation applies depends on the extent of security problems, the number of people exposed to radiation, and the dosage they receive.
Which designation applies depends on the extent of security problems, the number of people exposed to radiation, and the dosage they receive.