Read your paper for any content errors. Double check the facts and figures.
Series 719 Double Check Valve Assembly shall be installed at each noted location.
Write a standard lock plus "double check" to create a critical section around a variable access.
At this time, double check that each of the directors are able to perform a timely ping to each of the realservers.
The spell check on your word processor will pick up some errors but you need to double check your spelling and grammar.
You can double check with the housekeeping department, but I am pretty sure all of the machines will need new cartridges.
You will not find out until you attempt to deploy the portlet into WebSphere Portal. Here's some things to double check.
You should always read over documents to double check them, and if you can get a friend to read over your resume, go for it.
Note that the syntax may change from release to release, so double check the version you've downloaded and the API you're browsing.
Something is wrong with the server configuration - double check the server configuration against the PHP installation instructions.
Again, finding two pieces of documentation will assist with the double check, and this is consistent with claims practice in numerous industries.
Once the program is finished or at least in a releasable state, go through and double check that you are using the most efficient solution by hand by reading the code.
Tes perform a quick testing or a double check to notice any major bug that went unnoticed by development, and they provide user testing plus performance, security and other similar testing.
I'll double-check the figures.
Mr. Lin, an accountant at New Link, told a local newspaper: "If I use a calculator when I'm sleepy, I have to double-check my work for fear of making mistakes, so it takes longer."
林先生是 New Link 的一名会计,他对当地一家报纸说:“如果困倦的时候使用计算器,我必须得复核一遍工作,以免出错。所以耗费的时间也就更久。”
If your queries execute without error but return no data, double-check the path expressions and namespace declarations in your query.
If it didn't compile and link, double-check the stages and ensure that there were no early warnings causing errors later on.
The only way to double-check the calculations will be to pay an expert to do it.
I often try to double-check a counter the first time I add it to a report.
You simply need to double-check any input values by revalidating them on the server side.
If you're experiencing problems with your import, double-check the libraries included in your project.
If that is the case, simply double-check your classpath to ensure that all of the required dependencies are in place.
"It seems good, but we'll double-check in 20 minutes.There's too much dust now," answers an officer.
Making them too stringent (a mistake I tend to make; I always have to double-check myself).
Double-check the spelling of your name and details of your address so there are no disputes about the proper copyright ownership.
Most other large investment Banks double-check all big trades, even when not forced to by regulation.
Sure, you pay your adviser to do the heavy lifting, but it's imperative that you double-check any big moves — especially in this turbulent economy.
Sure, you pay your adviser to do the heavy lifting, but it's imperative that you double-check any big moves — especially in this turbulent economy.