Double taxation is a big drawback of C-corporations.
Therefore, members of an LLC avoid the double taxation of income necessary in corporations.
The provision is intended for companies to avoid double taxation, but acts as a windfall for the oil industry.
How to effectively avoid international double taxation, is the challenge that Chinas foreign tax system have to face.
Under the current income tax system, income has been Levied the double taxation, which brings on the space of income tax planning.
The double taxation can be particularly vexing for long-term expats, who must pay U.S. taxes year after year without receiving much in the way of benefits.
Following the increase in international trade and investments, more and more bilateral tax treaties are created to avoid international double taxation.
The double taxation can be particularly vexing for long-term expats, who must pay U. s. taxes year after year without receiving much in the way of benefits.
Both sides welcome the signing of the "Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Tax Evasion" between related agencies of the two countries.
This part introduces the accountant of price (inflation accountant mainly), double taxation of international tax revenue, evade payment of duty and anti-evade payment of duty.
They also escape from the double taxation that plagues the corporate sector: corporations have to pay corporate taxes and then their shareholders have to pay taxes on their dividends.
Due to the double taxation of dividends, it is puzzling that firms pay them. Dividends may serve as a signal of the firm's financial strength, or be used to cater to particular clienteles.
The Second Protocol is intended to ensure that the treaty operates to accomplish its intended purpose of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income.
Advance pricing Arrangements (APA) helps resolve the problems of transfer pricing abuse and double taxation or double non-taxation, thus the tax department can improve their working efficiency.
Ireland's extensive double taxation treaty network with treaties with 66 countries, of which 59 are currently in force, and negotiations for new treaties are ongoing with a further 18 countries.
Tax coordination can avoid double taxation, tax evasion and excessive tax competition, so the necessity and importance of the international tax coordination are increasing under the current situation.
I am confident that the same reliability will be demonstrated in Switzerland's commitment to take on the OECD standard, which will be incorporated into future bilateral double-taxation agreements.
Manila had filed the complaint with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) citing double standards in Thailand's taxation, which set too high a tax rate on cigarette imports from the Philippines.
British citizens do not face double -taxation in the US as they escape UK taxation on most types of income while abroad.
Through comparative analysis with other countries and regions, it finds the problems of double-taxation, single tax incentives mode.
Through comparative analysis with other countries and regions, it finds the problems of double-taxation, single tax incentives mode.