Proton and neutron form a charge doublet .
The desired operator is the spike doublet of Figure 40.
We can refer to these duplicated chromosomes as making up a doublet.
Objective To report a case of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with CD7 + near-tetraploid clones by doublet(8; 21).
Movement is based on the activities of tiny dynein side arms that extend from one of the microtubules of each doublet.
纤毛或鞭毛从 细胞表面的基体出生长,双微管的动力蛋白臂从一侧延伸到另一侧而引起运动。
The design of a diffractive reflective hybrid singlet is presented to replace a conventional doublet telescope objective.
Finally, we verified that the doublet four dimensional potential electromagnetic theory has obvious SO (2) duality symmetry.
Purpose Doublet chemotherapy is more effective than single-agent as first-line treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
To understand the meaning of the remaining surface integrals in (5. 9. 22) we first investigate the solution corresponding to a doublet source.
The platinum-based doublet chemotherapy has been considered as the standard first-line treatment for NSCLC with the highest treatment efficacy.
These boots, an old foil, and a slashed doublet once used by an artist for some picture, were Jo's chief treasures, and appeared on all occasions.
The applications and the results of Electric doublet source frequency sounding on the Northern margin of Longshou mountain of Gansu are introduced.
The doublet nature of this and other lines in the na spectrum indicates a doubling of the expected number of states available to the valence electron.
The real-time storage is obtained in the organic dye BDN solution in toluene by doublet degenerate four wave mixing induced thermal refractive index grating.
Various reproductive behaviors of the doublet were observed and their cytological details were demonstrated by Fculgen stain and modified Nigrosin stain techniques.
In all of these trials, treatment consisted of an induction phase of 4 cycles of a platinum-based doublet followed by an early switch to a different drug or to placebo.
The surface of propeller and its trailing vortex is divided into a number of small hyperboloidal quadrilateral panels with constant source sink and doublet distributions.
Then calculated the original results of the doublet lenses in the muzzle-axis obtain optical system by Wave-deviation Method, designed and optimized this system by ZEMAX.
We demonstrate that the maximum coherent superposition state can be selectively prepared using a sequence of pulse pairs in lambda-type atomic systems, with the final level as a doublet.
在末态为双重态的 型原子结构中,研究发现使用脉冲对序列可以选择性的制备最大相干叠加态。
The generalized aerodynamic force required in analysis is calculated by using horse shoe vortex— vibrational pressure doublet grid method, based on theory of subsonic unsteady lifting plane.
The generalized aerodynamic force required in analysis is calculated by using horse shoe vortex— vibrational pressure doublet grid method, based on theory of subsonic unsteady lifting plane.