Trunnion bascule bridges are doubtless one of the renowned bridge types in Chicago.
Dear Bystanders: You are doubtless not the only one wondering.
Doubtless open-mouthed themselves, Pitman and Durban - along with a film crew from the BBC Natural History unit - watched as one seal, swept into the water by the orca, swam towards the humpbacks.
Such comparisons are doubtless unfair.The East Asian context is very different from the Middle Eastern one, and seen from the Pacific perspective South Korea's achievement looks less unique.
The miners, one of whom is a Bolivian migrant, will doubtless enjoy their brief moment of international celebrity, with books and films already in the works.
Debates will doubtless rage for years to come. The immediate cause, or one of them, appears to be the GM's relatively new-found, and ultimately ill-advised, dependence on SUVs.
No one else supported the scheme, and doubtless there was much to be urged against it as a practical proposition.
Most of them are doubtless irrelevant today, but some of them contain important information that's been forgotten because no one can search it.
I recognized one of the children of reverie, and said, "You are doubtless of the stock of the old o 'donnells."
The heap of stones, destined for no one knows what employment, which was visible there thirty years ago, is doubtless still there.
The year 1866 was signalized by a remarkable incident, a mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon, which doubtless no one has yet forgotten.
Doubtless Catherine marked the difference between her friends, as one came in and the other went out.
When families are large, at least one male child will doubtless come along to maintain the family line.
It was doubtless caused by one of those meteors, which the night-watcher may so often observe burning out to waste, in the vacant regions of the atmosphere.
Such comparisons are doubtless unfair. The East Asian context is very different from the Middle Eastern one, and seen from the Pacific perspective South Korea's achievement looks less unique.
People naturally fell into the habit of designating all the offences enumerated in one law by the first name on the list, which doubtless gave its style to the law Court deputed to try them all.
If one plastic made product meet the following three conditions, we can say doubtless that it does harm to your health. Firstly, it contains some deleterious ingredients;
If one plastic made product meet the following three conditions, we can say doubtless that it does harm to your health. Firstly, it contains some deleterious ingredients;