After you've done it, reward yourself with some fun, "down-time" activities, such as some television or social networking time.
Some of my best solutions to work-related problems have come to me during down-time.
Don't dwell on purchases or amounts, says Nusbaum, but each express what's behind your spending, like helping family or enjoying down-time.
Having multiple replicas also provides the project a failsafe mechanism to minimize project down-time and rework in the event of a server outage.
If you have lots of LPARs on a frame, the down-time required for the restore may not be palatable in some case, such as if you have systems that are not clustered for High Availability.
Spend your down time thinking about work in this way (not the what, but the how) and you'll capitalize on your reflective powers in a new and constructive way.
During your down time choose activities that you enjoy, that allow you to really relax and clear your mind.
So to make our brains better at pattern recognition, we need to take pauses and schedule regular down time where our brains can relax.
Using the rolling upgrade feature allows you to upgrade the cluster with zero or minimal down time.
This makes sense in terms of resource efficiency: Developers can collect and write requirements during their down time, before serious coding begins.
This odd combination of more working hours and less down time with higher performance and greater satisfaction might be explained by another trend.
In other words, use your down time to reflect on why you're working, what really matters, and how you can get more enjoyment out of the job.
All the habits listed above were developed by professionals who were well intended - they were trying to boost their productivity by converting "down time" into something of value.
While I don’t take the train, the value of converting “down time” to productive time is a pretty attractive one.
While I don't take the train, the value of converting "down time" to productive time is a pretty attractive one.
If their jobs are easier, if productivity is higher, if down time is reduced, then you get positive reinforcement about the design's value.
The cost of memory leaks is significant and is often associated directly with production down time, or a slipped deployment schedule.
After completing some work on his laptop while soaking in the hot tub, he walks down the spiral staircase, under the hanging chandelier and into the pool room for some 'down time'.
Prioritize - Use these tools only when your work has been done, or during down time.
"There are several aches and pains that you can run through," Mr. Hanson said, "and others that need some down time."
According to our new definition, productivity has something to do with two things: converting "down time" to work time, and being able to "stay in touch" with what's happening at work at all times.
But even the friendliest of people need some down time, and when you're all alone you can become lonely really fast.
Collecting data in production environments can result in down time for the application, which can impact revenue, stability, and client perception.
Turns out these side projects, which I initially started to give me something to do in my down time, were something that really intrigued my new employers.
Performance is still an issue in many of the applications that I'm interested in: responsiveness of interfaces, start-up and close-down time of applications.
Adding CM to the group ensures that no user connections experience down time during the cluster upgrade.
This example illustrates why documenting various facets of a system software architecture is imperative to educate new team members and help them get started with minimum down time.
From the perspective of the client, there is no down time, as the transition is automatic.
User connections have a 10-second down time.
用户连接有一个10 秒钟停用时间。
The QA environment can withstand generally longer periods of down time which makes it an appropriate environment to test your migration plan.