Huxley speculated that a coat of hair would insulate against loss of body heat and might streamline the body to reduce drag in flight.
They may drag me in but they can't make me talk when they get me here.
Other birds flying in the upwash experience reduced drag, and spend less energy propelling themselves.
The synsedimentary deformation structures are common in eolian dunes, such as brecciated foresets, drag folds and overturned folds.
The handlers, in turn, invoke the drag handler that you installed earlier.
By the laws of physics, the increase in drag equals the square of the increase in speed, so even a slightly faster flight requires a lot more fuel.
Subtle kiss denotes purity, but it may show that he has no idea how to drag you in.
One example: a lot of us do a lot of personal disclosure, and we sometimes drag the people in our lives along with us into the spotlight.
We'll change font styles, drag and drop pictures in the presentation, and modify our text content.
Walsh said the European Union should use its emissions trading scheme as a fore-runner for a global programme but not attempt to drag in non-EU airlines lest they take legal action.
This may make time seem to drag, but in fact it is probably a more accurate perception of reality.
These two functions enable all of the drag-and-drop functionality in the application.
Snapshots showed the deceased with their cats and dogs, in shorts, in drag, and in at least one photograph, in a wedding tux.
It transforms your browser into a 3-d photo wall allowing you to zoom, click and drag photos easily in a slick format.
你的浏览器会变成3 - D图片墙,你可以轻松而流畅地放大、点击、拖拽相片。
Meanwhile, federal stimulus spending is on the wane and will become a net drag on output in the second half of this year.
The net effect was that net exports were less of a drag in the third quarter but in the second but still substantially offset good figures elsewhere.
The band's last great release, 1978's Some Girls, showed off the Stones in drag in a heavily detailed die-cut package with varying color sleeves.
Visiting here is like spending your vacation in a vintage shop. Old men in dapper Fedora hats and antique Italian shades haunt Harnet Avenue, the palm-studded main drag in Asmara, the capital.
But once the vessel is in motion the additional drag results in only a 3-5% reduction in speed, says Mr Ray.
但是雷说,船一旦开动起来,其附加阻力造成的减速仅在3- 5%。
Two of our regulars are playing host in a booth on the arcade's main drag, a hetero couple in their 30s.
Select the darkest channel (Blue in my case) and drag in to the 'New icon' to duplicate it.
The heavy heart is indeed a weight that will surely drag us down in our holiness and usefulness.
blind beggars, dance halls, transvestites at Club 82, a drag cabaret in the East Village;
Disable drag and drop and in-place editing.
To install plug-ins manually, simply drag the plug-in files to the dropins folder and restart Eclipse.
But it appears to have paid off. "You need an icon or two in a museum to drag people in," said Hurum, "this is our Mona Lisa and it will be our Mona Lisa for the next 100 years."
Especially when you use a tool you will get a working widget when you drag it in the page.
Drag the three Transform operators in to the canvas.
Drag the three Transform operators in to the canvas.