I stayed in Sahaja Yoga for 18 months went to India and still I was dragged back to my past life.
It may help to pick a meeting room away from your normal work area so that it's harder for people to get dragged back to work partway through the retrospective.
He says he quit when he saw dolphins, caught accidentally on longline hooks, being dragged aboard ship, beaten to death, and thrown back into the sea.
He's been dragged back into hell more times than we care to count, but clearly hell doesn't want him.
Houses blazed as they were carried along by waves, and vehicles smashed into walls and roads, only to be dragged back out to sea as the water reversed its course.
Southern politicians who have tried to rise above the passionate rhetoric surrounding the civil war have frequently found themselves dragged back into the mire.
One bleak fall morning, I dragged myself to the car to go home and found four tires in the back seat.
I am the girl that dragged little Oliver back to old Fagin's on the night he went out from the house in Pentonville.
He left the guitar leaving the back of some shaking, like the guitar is a brute force of the monster, dragging him tightly, in the night to sing the boy's thin stature dragged fragmented.
Mobile phone video later shown on South African television shows the man tying to the back of a police van and dragged through the street.
随后南非电视上播放的手机视频显示,这名男子被绑到一辆警车后在大街上拖着。 彼得·鲍尔斯报道。
Whenever you dragged their hearts back to your home, passing the exhaustion of LinYin trail. You will be a little bit in this. People dissipate life is not to a perpetual to stop some effort?
Harry pulled his rucksack with him as he dragged himself onto the motorbike's seat and found himself back-to-back with Hagrid.
As the recession dragged out in 2002 and 2003, IT pros mostly told each other that they needed to ride out the storm and that things would bounce back.
After poking him with sticks, the odd-looking creature fell to the ground, and was dragged, screaming and scratching, back to the village.
After poking him with sticks, the odd-looking creature fell to the ground, and was dragged, screaming and scratching, back to the village.