There were no significant difference on operation time and drain time of the three groups (P>0.05);
After di water rinsing and before baking, a drain time of 5 minutes with an elevation change is recommended to remove standing water that may leave marks in the paint during baking.
Considering all the time, money, effort, and lost opportunities associated with these failures, they are a tremendous drain on an organization.
Interns aren't supposed to be a drain on time, energy or resources.
Every component is a possible source of work and trouble and a drain of processor cycles, disk space, and time; prune anything you can.
When you prioritize your most important tasks it makes it infinitely easier to say no to the little things that crawl out of the woodworks to drain suck up your precious time.
Material possessions drain a countless amount of our time (purchasing, cleaning, maintaining, organizing, and rearranging).
And which ones just drain your time and energy without giving you much back in return?
She described beginning her day-for decades — at 5 am, in order to go and help him before going to her own full-time job, then returning each night to drain his kidneys.
Michael tells his brother that he found their access to the infirmary building, but he'll need extra time to find out how they'll get up a twenty foot vertical drain pipe without a ladder.
Over time, though, silt and leaves had clogged the drain.
Wall brick, floor tile in the post, before bubble water must enough time. At the same time will use item floor drain plug well, prevent cement fall blocking drains.
For now we FEEL it is time to dismiss our 'secretary' so as not to drain energies... as you get used to the Higher vibration in which we now come though.
And, while this isn't particularly noble, you can avoid the constant birthday parties, baby showers and other office events that constantly drain your time and your wallet.
The temperature in the afternoon time at this time it is desirable to do so, my school visits will lead you to let you feel the "Haihe River, drain" magnificent feeling.
When the flood receded, the soldiers came to the villages to help drain the water out of the fields so that crops could replanted in time.
But Gibson says the brain drain from old-guard companies may not last. "Media spent so much time beating up on these companies," he says. "They will bounce back."
At the same time more than in 5 times is reduced current leak from the source to the drain, ie is reduced the energy consumption of transistor.
At the same time, with unreasonable development and the drain of chemical material, environment, especially water resource has been polluted unprecedentedly.
Also if you are worried about the time wasted, that's a drain of your precious life force too.
Bring to boil 2 liters of water with 1 tablespoon honey or sugar in it. Boil 3 bagels at a time for 1 minute each, turning carefully. Drain.
Yet a displacement of time would drain away the soft interstices, leaving walls like scraped clinkers.
Drain Soul: Each time Drain Soul deals damage to a target which can grant experience, it now has a chance to generate a Soul Shard.
But at the same time, more and more companies say the phenomenon of the brain drain is very serious.
But at the same time, more and more companies say the phenomenon of the brain drain is very serious.