The dramatic event will turn the moon blood red for 100 minutes during the period of totality.
Stage a dramatic event and invite the media - they love an event that gives them an interesting Angle or good photo.
A dramatic event that will determine the course of the 21st century will take place in 2014, according to a Cambridge University academic.
Perhaps the most dramatic event will be the move of Jupiter into your house of career honors and awards on January 17, to stay for a full year.
It might set up the main characters and their relationship, it might describe a setting or a dramatic event, it will probably always introduce key themes.
The first new dramatic event in the fall may well be a Turkish invasion of Syria, according to both Japanese Middle-Eastern experts and Turkish media reports.
The most dramatic event came in September 2005, when hundreds of deep crevices appeared within a few weeks, and parts of the ground shifted eight metres, almost overnight.
Several other mass extinctions in the geological record have been tentatively identified with large impacts, but none is so dramatic as the Cretaceous event.
In the area of event routing, dramatic scalability improvements were made in the case where there are many event subscriptions (that is, many installed monitor models).
So while we all relive all the excitement that the world's largest sporting event has to offer, we reflect on the players who made the world Cup the dramatic clash of nations it always is.
It was hard to figure out how Kaizen (continual improvement) really worked in practice as we saw orange and red lights go off but it wasn't some dramatic swarming event.
It focuses on the dramatic views southeast to Lake Burley Griffin and city of Canberra, and opens to the north and south to the sweep of the Event Terrace.
It focuses on the dramatic views southeast to Lake Burley Griffin and city of Canberra, and opens to the north and south to the sweep of the Event Terrace.