But you have to bear in mind that the really outlandish actor here is China: never before in history has a nation followed this drastic a mercantilist policy.
Critics of this system claim it to be too drastic a measure and that it sends a message that "my time is more important than yours" to the people trying to communicate with you.
Foreign food aid has led to a drastic reduction in the numbers of people dying of starvation.
Against a backdrop of drastic changes in economy and population structure, younger Americans are drawing a new 21st-century road map to success, a latest poll has found.
The late Cretaceous extinction of the dinosaurs and ammonoids was just one of the more drastic in a whole series of such recurrent extinction episodes.
Although this list isn't a drastic departure from what was popular in 2009, it marks different trends that will be expanded upon and made better as a result.
Professor Hoskins does not expect a drastic change in the way blocking events happen, though their locations may alter a bit.
As you can see, you will get a drastic increase in performance if you are able to arrange your instructions so that no instruction is waiting on any other instruction.
Since those countries "under a programme" are being forced into drastic fiscal austerity, this amounts to a plan to have all of Europe slash spending at the same time.
I felt this was a drastic measure, akin to amputating a gangrenous limb to save a patient's life.
In 2005, Warner Brothers gave Bugs Bunny and his crew a drastic makeover and the response was mainly negative.
But reaching that would require a drastic 80 percent cut in emissions by midcentury.
If you make a drastic change, there is a great likelihood that it won't stick very long.
Although the change wasn't drastic (see Figure 1), there was a shift from the original SOW.
Children who watch a parent or close relative take the drastic measure of surgery can develop a skewed vision of their own bodies that they may never escape.
When a drastic transition approaches, conditions fluctuate between greater extremes, and the fluctuations take longer to pass.
Maybe he'll do something drastic, take a plane to Mexico City and be drunk for a week and run wild around the bars.
也许他 该去做一些闹腾的事,飞去墨西哥城,整个星期都喝得醉醺醺,四处泡吧。
An increase of between 1-4 degrees Celsius in average temperature will cause a drastic decline in the index of tourism comfort all over the region.
报告中陈述道:平均气温上升1 -4摄氏度将对所有地区的旅游舒适指数造成极大的下降。
A less drastic option, proposed by the White House, would limit how much high-end income earners can deduct for their charitable contributions.
If you are really miserable, do not be afraid to make a drastic career change. Just make sure you plan for it.
Even if I'm not willing to make a drastic change, at least I consider how I might modify some of the things that I'm doing.
Emissions continue to climb, so unless there's a drastic turnaround, expect the sea level rises, extreme weather events and mass extinctions associated with a rapidly warming globe.
Emissions continue to climb, so unless there's a drastic turnaround, expect the sea level rises, extreme weather events and mass extinctions associated with a rapidly warming globe.