They took drastic action to ban all reverse graffiti.
The city officials then decided to take drastic action.
NATO threatened more drastic action if its terms were not met.
In this case, drastic action is required to avoid a extensive database downtime.
Courage, however, doesn't require that you take drastic action in these situations.
If we don't get drastic action soon, we may find ourselves stuck in the muddle for a very long time.
As the kick is more drastic action, so there are to improve the strength and weight loss results.
Some are calling for more drastic action, though that would stiffen the headwinds blowing against a fragile economy.
Indeed, in the longer term, there are signs that the company and the Ford family are considering even more drastic action.
Many conservationists fear that without drastic action, the only place the tiger will soon be found in India is in its zoos.
Reactor operators decided to take drastic action to prevent further melting of the fuel and a possible breach of the containment vessel.
A handful of countries, notably Greece but also Spain, Portugal and Ireland, have been forced to take drastic action by nervy bond markets.
If you have a problem, if you have a fear, if you seem to have a source of stress in your life, don't be too quick to take drastic action.
When Kath Kelly complained to friends in the pub she was so broke she couldn't afford a wedding present for her brother, she decided to take drastic action.
When his girlfriend Jess Little found flirty messages on his Facebook account, and threw him out of their Brighton flat, Joe Page realized drastic action was needed.
While it may be too late for Federer to take such drastic action, the only reason Nadal, a natural right-hander, plays left-handed is because of his uncle and coach Toni's foresight.
Their case highlights some people's deep concerns about suffering unnecessarily at the end of life, and the lack of a safeguarded choice which can prompt people to take drastic action through fear.
British environmental expert said Monday that water shortages in China already were reaching "incredible" proportions, with Shanghai particularly vulnerable unless drastic action is taken quickly.
Experts have said for years that without drastic action America's largest subtropical wetland was in grave danger, along with endangered species such as the Florida panther and the American crocodile.
He has promised drastic disciplinary action if they do not mend their ways.
Chicago has long been a world leader in innovations of all kinds, and its response to the need for drastic environmental action to combat climate change is no exception.
The injurious effect of pressure wave on cells was related to its direct drastic mechanic vibration action on cells and induction of cellular free radical reaction.
The injurious effect of pressure wave on cells was related to its direct drastic mechanic vibration action on cells and induction of cellular free radical reaction.