We would have liked to invite all our relatives, but you have to draw the line somewhere.
Letters have come from prisoners, declaring that they would draw the line at hitting an old lady.
In this case, I draw the line from -100, -100 to 100, 100.
在本例中,我从- 100,- 100到100,100画了一条直线。
Lloyd Dobler: I draw the line at 7 unreturned phone calls.
'the tile particularly offended me, but I was going to draw the line,' he said.
I saw, I backed out to draw the line from the ranks of the long one less I have.
I do not mind lending him my razor, but I draw the line at lending him my tooth-brush.
When it comes to kids and work, know where to draw the line; your kids always come first.
I didn't want to interfere with all that, but thought we should draw the line at human cloning.
Note that this does not actually draw a line; instead, you call the stroke API to draw the line.
It is sometimes difficult to draw the line separating ferromagnetic from paramagnetic substances.
The French are famously tolerant of extra-marital affairs; but even they draw the line at aggression.
Add a line by clicking one of the line buttons, and then use your mouse to draw the line on your plot.
We need to draw the line of JVM-equivalence in the sand, closer to pragmatic needs than Turing-equivalence.
Give a gentle reminder at first. If he/she still does not get the hint, then make a call and draw the line right there.
Where to draw the line between the two opposing views each time is the art of management, and also a test of judgment.
Companies need good leaders and a good leader can go a long way, but in terms of compensation where do we draw the line?
The big problem is knowing where to draw the line between playful pranks and meanness on the verge of bullying, Fine said.
Helping these folks can be very rewarding, but you have to be careful about where to draw the line and know when to decline.
Leaving an unhealthy environment, especially if abuse or cheating was involved, shows kids they should draw the line somewhere.
Leaving gan unhealthy environment, especially if abuse or cheating was involved, shows kids they should draw the line somewhere.
While you can use these techniques on authority figures, such as police officers and military officers, know where to draw the line.
Everyone will draw the line differently, but the more you can push over the trivial line, the more decisive and the happier you will be.
We can argue all day about where to draw the line and say to rich and poor: you cannot make this deal, even if it benefits both of you.
"I don't object to his being nicer and more intelligent than I am," he says. "But I draw the line at his being more expensively dressed."
The threshold level at which some kind of reaction can occur may be less than a thousandth of a potentially fatal dose, so where do you draw the line?
The threshold level at which some kind of reaction can occur may be less than a thousandth of a potentially fatal dose, so where do you draw the line?