Letters have come from prisoners, declaring that they would draw the line at hitting an old lady.
Lloyd Dobler: I draw the line at 7 unreturned phone calls.
I said I'd help you to make some money, but I draw the line at stealing.
I don't mind lending him my razor, but I draw the line at lending him my tooth-brush.
I do not mind lending him my razor, but I draw the line at lending him my tooth-brush.
I didn't want to interfere with all that, but thought we should draw the line at human cloning.
The French are famously tolerant of extra-marital affairs; but even they draw the line at aggression.
"I don't object to his being nicer and more intelligent than I am," he says. "But I draw the line at his being more expensively dressed."
In allowing Lehman to go bust when competitors balked at taking it on, Hank Paulson, the Treasury secretary, attempted to draw a line in the sand.
Mexico is at one extreme, and does not even intend to draw down on the credit line.
But FIFA is in no hurry to draw a line under the affair. Its ethics committee will investigate the allegation, no doubt at length.
The threshold level at which some kind of reaction can occur may be less than a thousandth of a potentially fatal dose, so where do you draw the line?
But at some point, before too much code gets written, it is important to draw a line in the sand and create a requirements baseline.
Lines 82 and 83 draw a dotted line at the top and halfway down the Y-axis. This simply makes the graph easier to read.
Give a gentle reminder at first. If he/she still does not get the hint, then make a call and draw the line right there.
As you see in Figure 4, The solution to the point-in-polygon problem is to draw a horizontal line starting at the point in question.
Whether it's shooing away a solicitor at the door, or saying no to an acquaintance who asks for your last piece of gum, sometimes you have to draw the line.
Again, with the Pen Tool (p), draw a line that starts at the tip of leaf and ends in the middle of the bottom part of the leaf.
Newcastle declined to comment on the apology, as the club tried to draw a line under the events at the Stadium of Light.
Closing at the end of the month, only need to draw a single line in the last business record, do not need to balance the balance once again.
But at some point, before too much code gets written, it is important to draw a line in the sand and create a requirements baseline.
Some places draw the line between "low" and "moderate" at the level at which pollution starts to cause immediate health effects, reserving the red band for smog that severely affects most people.
Not surprisingly, younger troops, 18-to 24-year-olds, who often draw the deadliest front line duty, are the most at risk.
At deformaion zone of production line, the zigzag drawing technology is adopted on the return draw bench.
The results of Europe's bank stress tests at the end of this month could help draw a line under Europe's problems - as happened in the u.
The results of Europe's bank stress tests at the end of this month could help draw a line under Europe's problems - as happened in the u.