This time new regulations are still in the drawing-board stage - and the finance lobby is already fighting against even the most basic protections for consumers.
In many cases, it has been "back to the drawing board" and calling in the highly paid specialists to help fix a problem that could have been easily avoided with some up-front diligence.
Change is difficult for our industry of late adopters, sent battered back to the drawing board in search of a different outcome - often unsuccessfully, by reshuffling the same inputs.
(the idea can arguably be traced back as far as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, built around 600bc.) So far, however, the idea remains firmly on the drawing board.
Theoretical physicists will have to go back to the drawing board and find an alternative way to solve the problems with the standard model.
A firmer answer will have to await a new generation of powerful telescopes that are under construction or still on the drawing board.
Often such projects are kept on the drawing board not by lack of money but by politics and planning.
It has sent some of the largest technology companies in the world back to the drawing board and proved that, given the opportunity, people will do far more with a phone than make calls and send texts.
It is one of an estimated 11 new coal schemes planned in Poland, while 28 more are on the drawing board in Germany, according to the WWF.
But they have had to go back to the drawing board to develop new hardware and software for their robo-cars.
Once Nature finds a good device it will have to go on using it because it is impossible to go back to the drawing board and design another one.
There is no real need to keep observing the same thing multiple times, and you will be very motivated to go back to the drawing board and redesign the site to eliminate the usability problems.
Either way, the findings published online Wednesday by the journal Nature could send lunar scientists back to the drawing board to reconsider the moon's evolution.
Without it, your design is at the mercy of departmental politics, and you'll find yourself going back to the drawing board time and again in an effort to please the various powers that be.
Even if only half of these get off the drawing board, Doha may well become the cultural hub that Sheikh Hassan dreams of.
Then she marched into Johnsy's room with her drawing board, whistling a merry tune.
After a host of complaints about the agreement were posted, a New York judge admitted that there were "significant issues" with the deal, and sent it back to the drawing board.
Imagine that you were asked to design a tall tower building, and you came up with a few great designs - yet all were refused, and you had to go back to the drawing board only to keep on failing!
The dress designs now started flying off Mr Saint Laurent's drawing board, though increasingly often with the aid of helpers.
However, as an investor, you often encounter companies with a supposedly hot product on the drawing board but with little or no sales.
Be sure to address these questions when presenting a recommendation to upper management so that you don't get sent back to the drawing board to figure them out.
Can IBM go back to the drawing board and re-architect a product so that it is once again the gold standard in corporate real-time collaboration?
XForms goes back to the drawing board and redefines the architecture.
XForms 又回到了绘图板,重新定义了体系结构。
The use of materials, the shape, the intention of the drawing, quietly materialize, as thoughts on a drawing board.
STOP. Go back to the drawing board, and identify the correct table to partition with the correct partition key.
请停止执行,并返回绘图板(drawing board),通过正确的分区键指定要进行划分的正确的表。
That forced the Windows development team to go back to the drawing board with Windows 7, says Larson-Green. "we had to ask ourselves, everything we know to be true, is it still true?"
That forced the Windows development team to go back to the drawing board with Windows 7, says Larson-Green. "we had to ask ourselves, everything we know to be true, is it still true?"