I decided to try doing telekinesis in the dream world.
A surreal dream world which gives new dimensions to navigation Windows.
So in our dream world there would exist a protocol that would meet the S3C pattern.
Look at your dream world, for it speaks volumes as to what is going on with you.
For example, there's an amusement park in my dream world with some pretty cool rides.
Let me give a wish list of my dream world that I would like to see emerge by 2050.
This time when I woke up, I found myself within the dream world version of Los Angeles.
In Dream World, doing what you love is something you're supposed to do in your free time.
Take a nap, swimming in the magic of a dream world, it could really lift the spirits.
In Inception, the dream world "frays" when external influences from the real world intrude.
Perhaps it can't manifest in the physical world just yet, but the dream world isn't so limited.
Every child wants a good bedtime story before they fall asleep and go into their dream world.
There is another world parallel to this harsh reality, and this dream world is much bigger and deeper.
If you want to be respected and happy in Dream World, you need to have one of these conventional desk jobs.
Your lives will be transformed into what seems to be a dream world, yet for you it will be perfectly real.
In 1925, Picasso began to explore an uncharted world, the surrealist world, the dream world beyond reality.
Since it was nighttime in my dream world, it was dark, so I did my “let there be light” thing, and the sun came up.
Those of us who are doing this work often feel like we are living in a slow-mo dream world, and this is in fact true.
In that regard, the film resembles the mind-twisting dream world that Inception explored with such great success last year.
When dreaming, one tends to believe fully in the reality of dream world, however, inconsistent illogical and odd it may be.
Revonsuo suggested that dreams might mimic threatening situations from real life, except in the safe environment of dream world.
Within the dream world, I was in my own kitchen, and I knew that my body was asleep on the couch and that I was definitely dreaming.
If you are kissing someone in your dream, your eyes are directed towards the person you are kissing. The dream world is just fantastic.
I may know it's not real, and in a dream world, much of what I do may not even be necessary, but I'm finding good reasons to do those things anyway.
I had some extremely deep and vivid nighttime dreams this week as well — the kind where it feels like I’ve spent days or weeks within the dream world.
The Platonic Sweetheart gazes out at us today, Mona Lisa-like, from her repose inside the fecund dream world of the man who redefined American literature.
Yes, even though your own mind created the dream world, you go along with whatever is happening, even if you’re being chopped into little pieces by Freddy Krueger.
是的,虽然梦是你自己的意识创造的,但是梦里发生的一切都让你感到真实经历过一样,即使是你正被Freddy Krueger剁成肉浆。
Yes, even though your own mind created the dream world, you go along with whatever is happening, even if you’re being chopped into little pieces by Freddy Krueger.
是的,虽然梦是你自己的意识创造的,但是梦里发生的一切都让你感到真实经历过一样,即使是你正被Freddy Krueger剁成肉浆。