The difference between today's workplace and the "dress for success" era is that the range of options is so much broader.
In other words, if you don't dress for success, you might not close the sale.
If you work in a corporation environment, it is even more critical to Dress for Success.
Generally speaking, it is still best to dress for success - that is, a suit or jacket and appropriate bottoms.
These directives to women were presented in a "January 2013 presentation, entitled 'Dress for Success,'" which was obtained by a Freedom of Information request by MuckRock.
这些向女性发出的命令出现在2013年1月一份“题为《穿出成功》(Dress for Success)的PPT文件中,它是由MuckRock依照《信息自由法》提出申请后获得的。”
DFS headquarters in New York manage international client programs and provides regional support for all its affiliates, including DFS San Francisco (Dress for Success, n. d.).
To express our gratitude for your support and to recognize our invaluable, deep relationships, The Estée Lauder Companies will be making a donation in your honor to Dress for Success.
为了表达我们对诸位的感谢和对我们之间宝贵深厚的友谊作出表示,雅诗兰黛公司将以诸位的名义,给“穿出成功”(Dress for Success)组织捐献一笔善款。
Rothman is a longtime professional fashionista whose consulting firm, Styleauteur, runs dress-for-success seminars at Fortune 500 companies and elsewhere.
Rothman is a longtime professional fashionista whose consulting firm, Styleauteur, runs dress-for-success seminars at Fortune 500 companies and elsewhere.