I went on to Drexel University and, at 17, I was awarded a Masters and continued to study for a PhD.
随后我进入德雷·塞尔大学(Drexel University),17岁时,获得了硕士学位,并继续攻读博士学位。
I sued Drexel University in a civil lawsuit and the case has now gone into private, binding arbitration.
Study author Dr. Joke Bradt, of Drexel University in Philadelphia, said anything that lowers stress in patients on ventilation is a welcome advance.
Joseph Mason, who teaches finance at Drexel University,was one of the first to warn that subprime defaults would have dangerousconsequences for the financial-services industry.
A team from Drexel University also was a winner at the Imagine Cup finals in the United States. The Drexel Dragons designed a game to help students better understand mathematics.
A team from Drexel University also was a winner at the Imagine Cup finals in the United States. The Drexel Dragons designed a game to help students better understand mathematics.