The drilling of waste soil, drilling mud should be cleared promptly.
Oil drilling mud dispersant and crude oil emulsification viscosity reduction agent.
The invention is relates to the synthesis of a kind of diluent for well drilling mud.
The control pod will open the valves that allow the drilling mud to be forced into the well.
Mud in the drilling process, the drilling mud or water transport machinery such as washing fluid.
Eventually, reasonable and securable drilling mud destiny of different blocks can be ascertained.
Mud din the drilling process, the drilling mud or water transport machinery such as washing fluid.
The next step is to try to staunch the flow proper with drilling mud, a mixture of water and clay minerals.
In this paper, the structure and working principle of the new drilling mud bump-7NB mud bump were introduced.
介绍了一种钻井用新型泥浆泵—7 N B泥浆泵的结构特点、工作机理和研究情况等。
This image shows another waste pit at a hydro-fracing drill site. Again, we see a waste pit for drilling mud.
Mud Pump Principle is in the process of drilling mud to the drilling mud or water transmission fluid mechanics.
The API test indicate that SHAGPS might be a excellent filtration loss controller for brine water drilling mud systems.
It shows the thinner of modified humic acid to be better than Fe_Cr lignosulphonates. It is a ideal thinner for drilling mud.
The oil giant then tried to shoot heavy drilling mud into the hole to hold down the flow so it could then insert a cement plug.
By starting the construction during this season will make it easier for us to clean the mud used in the process, including the drilling mud.
Crews are slowly pumping heavy drilling mud into a cap on the top of the well, to push down hydrocarbons that are already present in the well pipe.
The new well will be used to fill the old one with heavy drilling mud that will press down on the reservoir below, stopping more oil from escaping.
As part of that process they had to replace the dense drilling mud, which was used to keep the well under pressure while it was drilled, with sea-water.
Lignin derivatives can be used as additives to drilling mud, plugging agents, mobility control agents and sacrificial agents in surfactant flooding.
On May 26th BP started to pump heavy drilling mud into the blowout preventer, the set of valves at the top of the well to which that broken pipe is attached.
5月26日,英国石油公司开始将重型钻探泥浆用泵抽运进防喷装置- - - - -它是由多个气阀构成,位于油井顶部,连接着那根已断裂的立管。
This text discussed the environmental pollution caused by the drilling mud in the construction process and put forward the relevant prevention measures.
The method is especially suitable for in situ quantitative inspection of the used oil well tubings covered with drilling mud or other non magnetic matter.
And finally analyze the feasibility about the oil well drilling mud in land processing handling technology through the economy, technology, and environment.
Drilling mud can clean out the cuttings by its circulation, especially for horizontal hole, it can avoid the sand-bed formation and reduce downhole troubles.
Conclusion: Granulated capability which disperse drilling mud as fertilizer addition is good, disperse drilling mud can be primarily used as fertilizer addition.
These samples come from drilling mud and cuttings and provide baseline data needed to characterize the well as production begins and comingles all of the microbial DNA.
These samples come from drilling mud and cuttings and provide baseline data needed to characterize the well as production begins and comingles all of the microbial DNA.