It's good for us to drink milk in the morning.
People with sleeping problems have been advised to drink milk collected during the night by researchers.
How often does Alan drink milk?
I try to eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day.
Halo ah! My daughter is just over one year old, but she did not drink milk.
You're going to take me to the Bois de Boulogne, and we'll drink milk there.
My mother wants me to drink milk every day. She says it's good for my health.
In milk, fat rises to the top. But some people do not like to drink milk that way.
Our earliest ancestors didn't drink milk and didn't need to worry about calcium at all.
Some animals drink milk from their mommy when they were new born, and they are mammals.
We can digest milk because we drink milk; we drink milk because its nourishing and we can digest it.
I'm not saying that you're evil if you eat meat or drink milk, or that you're necessarily unhealthy.
I like to know whether I should drink milk or soymilk for calcium, without the unwanted hormone.
It is important to drink milk, eat cheese, or have any other dairy product before you go to bed.
Though children were able to drink milk, they typically developed lactose intolerance as they grew up.
You can buy ones which cry, drink milk, or burp, but this baby goes all the way in terms of realism.
Milk. Some studies suggest that teens who drink milk tend to be leaner and the protein helps build muscle.
In addition, experts remind you not expectant mother a year, pregnant women should began to drink milk powder.
Fukuyama says he does not allow his children to drink milk in the first place, even before this incident or otherwise.
If between meals or before meal drink milk, to sponsor human add appetite, lunch and dinner diet is not right amount.
My situation is like you, my baby 11 months tomorrow, and he did with the bottle and water, but do not drink milk, a drink on the retch.
It is just as foolish to say that one should never eat meat and potatoes together as it is to say that one should never eat bread or drink milk.
Steven: I drink milk every day. it's really good for building strong bones and teeth. I drink tea quite often, for it's protective against kidney cancer.
It is just as foolish to say that one should never eat meat and potatoes together as it is to say that one should never eat bread or drink milk together.
The hippopotamus, or hippo, lives in the hot part of Africa, it's a mammal, that is, its babies are born alive, and they drink milk from their mother's body.
Mothers who drink milk containing 'friendly bacteria' (probiotics) while pregnant and breastfeeding may reduce their child's risk of developing eczema, reports a new study.
For example, he was depicted in a car rental ad as a rational, calm person who would only rent a car instead of buying one because he did not have to breed a cow just to drink milk.
For example, he was depicted in a car rental ad as a rational, calm person who would only rent a car instead of buying one because he did not have to breed a cow just to drink milk.