From Sorrento to Port Clyde I drive "up" (south).
But higher wages drive up the costs of production, leading to higher prices.
And as fossil fuel prices rise, they will also likely drive up nuclear's construction costs, offsetting any price advantage there.
They fill up restaurants and drive up the prices of everything from apartments to art wherever they cluster.
Reduced panic. You know the feeling when you see your parents, siblings or a friend drive up the driveway?
He started small, with suitcases and a rental car that he would drive up from Florida.
Only in America...... do they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering.
Scranton revealed a sense of forboding as he arrived at the plant, "...You just drive up and there they are.
When it buys securities, in theory, that should drive up the price and drive down the yield.
They come to you — and because they drive up profits for the websites that use them, they'll become harder and harder to avoid.
On the weekends, they'd drive up here with their families and cash to have fun and savor hairy crabs.
This boom brings a problem: it is helping to drive up the Canadian dollar, which risks making life more difficult for manufacturers back east.
Plugging up the leaks that allow cold air to slip into your house—and drive up your heating bills—is an important first step in creating an energy-efficient home.
为防止冷风通过缝隙进入你的房子,从而增加你的暖气费,把那些漏风处都堵上吧。 这是让你的家变得节能的最重要的第一步。
In order to do this, you'll need to create unique and valuable content that will drive up your rankings and solidify your brand presence in the results.
If China can keep growing strongly — a very big assumption — at some point, competition for resources will drive up prices again.
It will raise uncertainty, lead to more delays and drive up the price of the clean-up.
Oil money is already helping to drive up Brazil's currency, the real, hurting manufacturers struggling with high taxes and poor infrastructure.
I just wanted to drive up to the mountains, hide in a cave, and never come out.
These controls encourage hoarding, drive up prices and hurt the poorest people around the world who are struggling to feed themselves.
And when you drive up the temperature of the atmosphere, you drive up the water vapor, so you better have this right. Having it pretty close isn't enough.
It is all about using scare tactics to drive up ratings, but in the end parents are left scared and not knowing what to do.
The effect has been to drive up prices and, in some cases, dry up supply abroad.
Across the Atlantic many of the responses to the euro crisis (see article) seem designed to drive up joblessness.
Mr. Zou argues that intellectual-property protections sometimes drive up the costs of emissions-reducing technology, keeping it out of the hands of poorer nations.
Be spontaneous and rent a convertible and kidnap your partner for a drive up the coast for lunch or dinner.
By collecting only the needed statistics, you can avoid collecting irrelevant statistics that drive up CPU overhead and create unnecessary workload inside limited maintenance Windows.
Why does all this trading drive up the price, when buyers and sellers should theoretically cancel each other out?
Why does all this trading drive up the price, when buyers and sellers should theoretically cancel each other out?