I would drive back to my hometown 45 minutes away to pick her up and take her out.
It was a four-hour drive back to Delhi from Palanpur, through the gathering night of a Sunday.
On her drive back to college, she'd suddenly broken into a cold sweat and had to pull over to vomit.
I left my office key at home, and had to drive back to get it. I'm really having a bad hair day!
After being in school for a few weeks, I decided to take a drive back to my parent's home for Labor Day weekend.
The rough road across the plain soon became so bad that we tried to get Bruce to drive back to the village we had come from.
The rough road across the plain soon became so bad that we tried to get Bruce to drive back to the village we had come from.
We plan to go to Agra first to see Taj Mahal, then to Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer, finally drive back to Delhi. What do you think of our plan?
His look dares me to suggest that he drive back to the store to return the stickers. An inner voice tells me not to take the bait, but I can't resist a mild rebuke.
When Robert Jensen and Carol King, two local teenagers, stopped to give them a ride, Charles forced them to drive back to an abandoned storm cellar, where both were shot and killed.
"Stay here," Trish said. "I'll bring the car down the drive to take you back."
When he got home at noon, he had to drive another place to park his car, then walked back home.
Drive to the airport and fly back to Shanghai.
That’s the same amount of carbon dioxide that would be emitted if a car could drive to the moon and back 188 times (90 million miles).
Women can don the slipper-like footwear to hike or drive to the office in comfort, then switch back to their high heels when they arrive at work.
‘With the Transition, I can fly somewhere and if the weather isn’t good enough to fly back, I can just drive home.
Because most applications built on top of this service drive traffic back to Amazon (each item returned by the service contains the Amazon URL).
In the morning, she made the drive of shame back home to her parents' house.
So whatever his private views, he needs to take account of the impatience of Iraqis to see the back of the occupiers. He also needs to be seen to drive a hard bargain.
So I suppose scientific progress and world peace — and the things that we've all got in the back of our minds — have always got to drive us.
A recession-induced dearth of bussiness travellers helped drive circulation down by 17%, but it ought to bounce back.
A recession-induced dearth of bussiness travellers helped drive circulation down by 17%, but it ought to bounce back.