I was trying to drive home to 1 Maryland from visiting friends in Texas.
However I feel I have to drive home to him how sensitive I am to snide comments about my personal abilities.
One of the most important rules, says Devine, is to have a central message that you drive home to the audience repeatedly.
Then, in the early hours of the following morning, he had returned to Lytham in the pilot boat, expecting to drive home to a cup of hot chocolate and a warm bed.
When I have a long drive near the end of the day, I sometimes go past my home to tell my two little children I'll be home soon, and they always want to come along in my car.
When he got home at noon, he had to drive another place to park his car, then walked back home.
It might be a good idea to get someone else to drive you home after that marathon.
So it might be a good idea to get someone else to drive you home after that marathon.
She could drive to class and be home in the evening to help with her kids.
By the way, do you also need me to drive you home tomorrow afternoon?
Jane never drove the car until she took it through the showroom door that day to drive it home.
None of these are going to be eye-opening or stuff you don't already know... But sometimes we need to be reminded of the things we already know, to drive home their importance.
This statistic indicates that drivers have a tendency to drive incautiously when they are close to home, probably because familiar surroundings give them a false sense of security.
This is a method I've mentioned before, but it never hurts to try and drive the same point home.
To drive the example home we will create another example to display all positions that are set up to receive notices.
Seeing her mother’s repeated calls on her cell phone, Kimberly asks the guys to drive her home.
In the morning, she made the drive of shame back home to her parents' house.
Seeing her mother's repeated calls on her cell phone, Kimberly asks the guys to drive her home.
In order to drive home iterative development in software engineering, each team must demonstrate working software each Friday rather than attending a lecture.
If you're at a party 'til 4 am, even if you're sober, maybe it's best to have an alert introvert drive you home.
They may put off maintenance on their home or car, or drive across town to save a few cents per gallon on gas.
It aims to drive home the point that you have to choose the right model for the right data to get good, meaningful information.
To drive the point home, Mr Abhisit posed with an orange-clad motorbike driver at the launch of the programme, which he described as a "New Year's gift" to Thai people.
The airfield, less than an hour's drive west of London, is home to Britain's biannual airshow.
Normally you can go home on the same day as your surgery, but you won't be able to drive, so arrange for a ride home.
As if to drive the point home, markets closed on Friday with the Dow Jones industrial average Posting the year's biggest weekly decline.
You will most likely be sedated during the procedure and an arrangement to have someone drive you home afterward is imperative.
Just to drive home the point, South Korea today began week-long nationwide live fire naval drills in 29 locations around the periphery of the peninsula.
Just to drive home the point, South Korea today began week-long nationwide live fire naval drills in 29 locations around the periphery of the peninsula.