Input power over the impact of power will often form a drive circuit driver chip damage, as well as passive components such as passive breakdown breakdown.
IGBT drive circuit performance analysis, to do motor control or power of the people very useful.
The entire drive circuit has characteristics of sample construction, powerful drive energy and low consumed power by using IR2110 as the drive modular.
采用IR 2110作为该功率放大电路的驱动模块,构成的整个驱动电路具有结构简单、驱动能力强、功耗低的特点。
Presents the control principle of electromagnetic bearing and the requirements of the power drive circuit.
A new "phase shift type" vernier drive circuit which provides the analog power for step motors is presented in this paper.
The third chapter mainly introduces the hardware design of soft starter, including the main circuit, control circuit, drive circuit, and protect circuit and auxiliary switched power design.
A new drive circuit for IGBT is designed. It features high switching frequency, high driving power, simple-structure and reverse-turn-off.
A novel power conditioning circuit for flux compression generators (FCG) to drive high impedance loads is presented.
The power supply module provides the control circuit, the drive of frequency conversion circuit, transaction circuit and DSP with different power supply.
This article presents a design of permanent magnetic brushless DC motor control system and mainly involves the hardware circuit design of speed closed loop and power module drive.
This thesis pays more attention to the drive circuit of high frequency power MOSFET, power regulation circuit and frequency-tracing circuit.
An excitation control circuit tor direct current drive system of large power shovel has been designed.
Unique circuit design, using high-performance constant-current drive power, thereby achieving a highly efficient energy-saving purposes.
It introduces a simple drive circuit, which can improve dynamic performance of welding power source, lower the manufacturing cost and meet the requirement of GB15579.
介绍了一种简单的驱动电路,它能有效改善焊接电源的动态性能,降低产品制造成本,满足GB 15579的安全要求。
Unique circuit design, using high-performance constant-current drive power, really reached efficient energy-saving.
The basic program is that in the wiper circuit the power transistor and relay are connected in series to perform drive control.
Temperature control circuit, in the case of low water temperature, can cut off the drive power protection device, in the case of high water temperature, open the cooling fan cooling.
The drive circuit of power MOSFETs is simplified and the stabilization of the controller is enhanced attributed to the drive capability of this chip.
To control stepping motors, the balance bridge power drive circuit is made up by TDA1521 integrated audio power amplifier, the pulse allotter is made up by the parallel ports of computer and latches.
The stroboscopic light source made of high-power LEDs (higher than 5w) not only can replace the mercury stroboscopic light source, but also can greatly simplify the drive circuit.
This paper studied control system with the center of SPCE061A MCU, including the drive and soft-start circuit of two power supply, the key and distance control of the cleaner.
When designing the step motor drive circuit of 5 phase 10 pat, 89c2051 is adopted as the Loop allotter. The VMOS is adopted in power elements. It is designed as chopper-type constant current circuit.
设计五相十拍步进电动机驱动电路时选择了89c 2051作为环形分配器,而功率器件选用电压型的VMOS管。
The flyback mode switch power supply is chosen as the main circuit of the high voltage power in the paper with 555 pulse control circuit and flyback drive circuit.
Usually LED power and drive damage from the input power over power shock (EOS) and load side circuit fault.
The main control circuit sends 6 PWM signals. After the isolation and enlargement by the power circuit, these signals could drive the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM for short).
The system has been applied to the training system for electric drive system of DF4D and DF11 locomotive as well as for the circuit of 25k air-conditioner power generation car.
The system hardware architecture is divided into control, drive, power supply, display five blocks circuits, and magnetic coupling is used to isolate circuit boards.
2 efficiency, high efficiency means not only to save power, but also reduce the drive circuit heating.
2 efficiency, high efficiency means not only to save power, but also reduce the drive circuit heating.