It's annoying because your brains are wired up so that that baby cry is going to drive you up the wall.
Spending two hours a day in gridlock traffic is enough to drive even the most Zen commuter up the wall.
Mr Bowden’s writing, which reads like fiction though it describes fact, will enchant some and drive others up the wall.
Mr Bowden's writing, which reads like fiction though it describes fact, will enchant some and drive others up the wall.
Take note of the little moments that make you happy and those that drive you up the wall. Try to remove the details you hate and replace it with more of the details you like.
If this and that happen, I'll do this and that will only drive you up the wall. Truth is, you don't know what will happen five minutes from now, let alone tomorrow, so stop trying to do God's job.
I use it myself, and do not mind it, but I can see where it might drive the average user up a wall.
Gemini's lack of respect for possessions and stability will drive you up a wall. You aren't spontaneous enough for the versatile Twin. Not really a likely combination.
In human life, happiness and misfortunes are often beyond our expectations, and an unexpected blow may even drive one up the wall.
In human life, happiness and misfortunes are often beyond our expectations, and an unexpected blow may even drive one up the wall.