The OBU could even morph into a virtual back-seat driver that does all these things and more, communicating with the driver using a synthetic voice, speech recognition and face-reading cameras.
The gunman sprinted to a motorcycle, where a driver was waiting for him, and hopped on the back seat. They sped away.
Newman also hopes that, with advanced machine-learning techniques, it might be also possible to communicate with the autonomous vehicle as a back-seat driver sometimes does to the main driver.
Taxi driver David Pollack managed to escape from the horde, scrambling out of the back seat, playing along with the drama of it all.
One of my friends is a terrible back seat driver . He is always telling me how to drive; in fact he drives me round the bend with his criticism.
The person in the rare seat sits like back to back with the driver. Driver drives, rare seat guy fires! That's the design of this bike.
I was the designated driver, they drank too much and on the way home hooked up in the back seat.
She heaves the bags of money into the back seat, crawls in beside them, and gives the driver, who wakes with a snort, her address.
Catch up with the motorcycle taxi driver, shouted: "man child, your child is about to fall down from the back seat."
No one likes Daphne because she's a back-seat driver.
Keep looking ahead so that you can give the driver lots of warning before having to make a turn, or youll have to move to the back seat.
I like to be in the driving seat and if a back seat driver annoys me too much, I turn round and say: "What are you driving at ?"
I like to be in the driving seat and if a back seat driver annoys me too much, I turn round and say: "What are you driving at ?"