I like the drops drop from the sky continuously, like a beautiful landscape making me forget the troubles temporarily.
His huge bronzes seemed to drop from the sky in great meteor showers and felt to my young mind rather clumsy and anachronistic, even provincial.
It's not a good idea to just drop in from the sky like a prophet, promise a lot of things and leave when the funding runs out.
Over three years had gone by without a drop of water from the sky. Animals were starting to die because they had no water or food.
The sky while rolling the clouds of dark clouds, an instant downpour, drop from the clouds.
So, to Ursula's EAR, the tune fell out, drop by drop, from the unseen sky on the dusky town.
As Atum-Ra descended from the sky, Apep bit his heel, then he spit out the blood, and, uttering a magic spell, turned each drop into a monster.
So to Ursula's ear the tune fell out drop by drop from the unseen sky on the dusky town.
The only truly arresting action involves the Emperor's personal guard of black-hooded soldiers who magically drop by ropes from the sky, yet even this element feels arbitrary.
The company has filed a patent for a system that would allow drones to drop packages from the sky, and guide them to a safe landing spot using tiny parachutes.
At this moment, the sky storm pine troops descending from heaven, drop from the clouds, no time is allowed for explanation., escorted Vega would fly up in the sky.
At this moment, the sky storm pine troops descending from heaven, drop from the clouds, no time is allowed for explanation., escorted Vega would fly up in the sky.