He finally faced up to his drug problem when his band told him to shape up or ship out.
If you find yourself unable to do this, it means you have a drug problem, and you need to seek help.
For a second time, Fisher had returned late from a weekend home. Now he had turned himself in for having a drug problem.
So pediatric drug problem more and more attention by people, pediatric rational drug use is also more and more attention by people.
So pediatric drug problem more and more attention by people, paediatric rational drug use is also more and more attention by people.
He said their deaths demonstrated "the magnitude of the drug problem in the country, and the need for resolute and decisive response by law enforcement."
There may also be something about the English seaside: Bournemouth has a similar drug problem, and the second-worst place in Britain for drug deaths is Blackpool.
It is right to recognize that the drug problem in Mexico is more than a security issue; it is also an economic and social issue and should be addressed as such.
The drug problem in this poor country is so large that a drug test in the Afghanistan police force showed that 17% of the countries police officers had lately used drugs.
It's similar to how we're more likely to lock up someone with a drug problem than to simply treat the drug problem (even though the latter would be far cheaper in the long run).
And he has taught us that we are as good as our capacity for caring, caring about the drug problem, caring about crime, caring about education, and caring about each other.
Fixing the online drug problem will be tough, because most online sellers and Web sites have gone overseas. And Congress - just like the DEA - is just now focusing on that.
It is highly necessary to strengthen international cooperation in drug control to promote the battle against narcotics worldwide and radically solve the drug problem in China.
1: Game on: in the Season 3 opener, Jackie s marriage is feeling the strain of her drug problem, and following the intervention, her relationship with Dr. O Hara is also on shaky grounds.
Global leaders debated an international trend toward more liberal drug laws, with countries across the board agreeing that the drug problem needs to be addressed, but deeply divided on how to do that.
Since I started working in TB as a public health problem in 1996, we have been talking about the problems of drug management.
A: Since I started working in TB as a public health problem in 1996, we have been talking about the problems of drug management.
Bipolar disorder may appear to be a problem other than mental illness-for instance, alcohol or drug abuse, poor school or work performance, or strained interpersonal relationships.
Health specialists say drug resistance to existing malaria treatment has emerged as a serious problem in some parts of the country.
It addressed a real problem: some 22% of the elderly lacked drug coverage.
“People had done all kinds of fancy things, but the problem with a lot of the methods was that the actual drug loading was very low, ” Kohane said. “It’s not clear why no one did this before.
If you inhibit these symptoms with medications, symptoms will return when the drug is withdrawn if the body has not successfully solved the problem.
This problem is being increasingly overcome by generous drug donations from the pharmaceutical industry, including several long-term commitments. Additional pledges were announced today, including.
Someone with a physics background would think that the problem was poorly targeted delivery of the drug within the body, he says, not the drug itself.
You will have to deal with higher rates of mental illness, drug abuse and every other kind of problem.
You will have to deal with higher rates of mental illness, drug abuse and every other kind of problem.