Drug addicts, who want to get the drug rehabilitation treatment, Swedish language, need to fill up a pre-qualification form and submit it to a drug rehabilitation center.
If you don't want to visit the drug rehabilitation center for confidentiality reasons, you can log on to the website of the drug rehabilitation center and fill up the online pre-qualification form.
Methods Drug addicts who entered Taizhou Rehabilitation Center during the years from 2001 to 2005 received continuous survey and serum HIV antibody detections.
方法对2001 - 2005年进入台州市戒毒所的吸毒人员连续开展调查和血清hiv抗体检测。
District 3300 (Malaysia) set up a project at a rehabilitation center that trained drug addicts in the operation of a bakery.
District 3300 (Malaysia) set up a project at a rehabilitation center that trained drug addicts in the operation of a bakery.