A dry mouth may reduce taste sensitivity, but taste is restored by drinking fluids.
Be sure to ask the doctor or pharmacist if any of your medicines cause dry mouth.
Susan tried to ignore the pounding in her temples and her dry mouth, the hundreds of bees that seemed to be humming while stinging her head and arms.
They are one of a number of drugs ― including antidepressants, ibuprofen, antihistamines and blood pressure medications ― that cause dry mouth, which means they reduce the production of saliva.
They are one of a number of drugs — including antidepressants, ibuprofen, antihistamines and blood pressure medications — that cause dry mouth, which means they reduce the production of saliva.
Given that a chronically dry mouth raises risk of cavities and gum disease, you may want to check your medicine cabinet.
You may experience irritability, depression and "dry mouth" due to nicotine withdrawal after you stop smoking.
If good hygiene doesn't sweeten your breath, see your dentist and your doctor. Gum disease, dry mouth, or acid reflux could be part of the problem.
You may experience irritability, depression and "dry mouth" due to nicotine withdrawal after you stop smoking. These symptoms will pass.
Saliva helps protect teeth and gums from bacteria that cause cavities and gingivitis. So a perpetually dry mouth is more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease.
Antihistamines, decongestants, painkillers, and antidepressants are among the drugs that can cause dry mouth.
About 1 in 5 people taking sibutramine get some of these side effects: headaches, a dry mouth, constipation, difficulty sleeping, an itchy, runny nose and a dry, sore throat.
The flight or fight response includes a rapid heartbeat and dry mouth, trembling hands.
It has numerous manifestations: fluttering or pounding heart, tremor in the hands and legs, diarrhea, facial nerve tics, dry mouth.
With Sjögren's, the body's immune system mistakenly attacks tear ducts and saliva glands, leading to chronically dry eyes and dry mouth (called xerostomia).
有干燥症的人,他们的免疫系统会错误地攻击泪腺和唾液腺,使眼和口长期地干燥 (called xerostomia)。
In one single night, suffers may experience up to 350 'apneic events' and usually find themselves waking up sweaty, with a dry mouth and headache.
They also are more likely to have dry mouth (xerostomia), which increases the risk of decay.
I woke up every morning with a dry mouth and the sensation that my insides were in the wrong place and too heavy for my body.
These two groups have similar fear of physical symptoms: dry mouth, sweating, severe heart, go to the bathroom.
Physically, bloodshot eyes and a dry mouth are common symptoms, as well as a slight increase in heartbeat and impaired short term memory.
If you have dry mouth, Dr. Jones recommends using a fluoride rinse at night, which can help protect the enamel.
如果你口干,Dr .Jones建议晚上使用含氟漱口水,保护珐琅质。
The most common adverse reactions in children treated with Nexium were headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, gas, constipation, dry mouth and sleepiness.
These two types of social phobia have similar physical symptoms: dry mouth, sweating, severe heart, go to the bathroom.
In both studies, side effects more commonly reported by patients taking Cymbalta included nausea, dry mouth, fatigue, diarrhea, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), dizziness, and constipation.
Common adverse reactions reported with glycopyrrolate are dry mouth, constipation, flushing, and urinary retention.
Blurred vision, weight gain, dry mouth, and swelling of the hands and feet also were reported in clinical trials.
Side effects mostly involved nuisances like dry mouth and thirst, and no extra risk of death or kidney problems was seen - the main things doctors were worried about.
I am experiencing dry mouth, and especially in the morning I feel I have this bad odour.
I am experiencing dry mouth, and especially in the morning I feel I have this bad odour.