As might be guessed by the surroundings, the place is arid and the mission of the dam is to provide water storage for this particularly dry part of the United States.
Oneof the most recent involves using dry water as a storage material for gases,including carbon dioxide.
This category includes unnecessary purchases such as clothing rentals and storage, dry cleaning, jewelry, and watch repair.
Wet the fruits and vegetables so they do not become too dry. The best time to do this is before storage.
Instead, spent fuel rods in the U.S. are currently stored in underground pools of water or in dry-cask storage, where older fuel is put into steel cans filled with inert gas and then stored in silos.
Yet modest water storage can hugely improve yields in rain-fed agriculture, by smoothing over short dry spells.
Wet the fruits and vegetables so they do not become too dry during storage. The best time to do this is before storage.
Regulators here may need to expedite the removal of some spent fuel from pools to dry storage in casks.
Storage : protect it from moisture or touching with sulfide . stored in cool , dry and ventilated places.
Storage facilities are suitable to purpose, e. g. cleanliness, ventilation, dry and temperature controlled?
In the meantime, dry-cask storage can get us through the coming century, but those used fuel rods will remain a problem for at least another 9,900 years after that.
When it comes to home storage, experts generally advise using clean, dry glass containers or plastic ones free of the chemical bisphenol A.
Storage conditions: in a cool, dry conditions kept sealed.
Storage: Store in a dark and dry place, tightly sealed and not together with disinfectants and toxic substances.
This is because, in many places, water storage represents the buffer between triumph and disaster during unexpected dry spells.
Wet the fruits and vegetables so they do not become too dry. The best time to do this is before storage. Cover the items in plastic once they reach the right "critical temperature" for storage.
Storage : Sealed , placed in the cool dry place.
The molecular sieve desiccants were used in the packing vessel, not only reduce the humidity obviously, but also maintained a dry and steady storage environment in quite long time.
Usually it is better not to remove outer leaves from fruits and vegetables before storage. Without the leaves, food can become dry.
The storage room for rubber-made products should be cool, dry, free of dust and well ventilated.
Organises the storage of dry goods and vegetables.
Loading, unloading, storage and transport of general cargo, timber, dry bulk cargo, fruit.
With nearly 30 years development and improvement, spent fuel dry storage has become a mature technology and the quantities being placed into dry storage are increasing significantly.
The room for storage of rubber products should be cool, dry, dust-free and well ventilated.
Method】stored in a dry storage location, do not pile up in the damp, cold places, to avoid rust or oxidation products.
Freeze dry process that BCG live bacteria counting after 4 ~ 5 years after storage remained at the level of conformity.
冻干工艺使卡介苗的活菌数经4 ~5年存放后仍保持在合格水平。
The valve should be kept in ventilated dry the whole warehouse is strictly prohibited, or stacked in open storage, the valve plate diameter at both ends of the need to plug.
The valve should be kept in ventilated dry the whole warehouse is strictly prohibited, or stacked in open storage, the valve plate diameter at both ends of the need to plug.