Feces fall into a drum beneath the toilet. Instead of flushing with water, you use a dry substance.
It is indicated from the analysis of nutritional ingredient that the content of protein and dry substance is much higher than the same kind of tropical forage grass.
A new use has been discovered for a substance named "dry water", which was discovered in the 60s.
A new use has been for a substance named "dry water", which was discovered in the 60s.
The solution used in a dry carpet-cleaning machine is a powder-based substance that is sprinkled or sprayed on the carpet evenly, left to dry and then vacuumed to remove the dirt.
When wet cannot satisfy the request considers the use clay granulated substance table dry sand mold, the dry sand mold or other sand molds again.
When wet cannot satisfy the request considers the use clay granulated substance table dry sand mold, the dry sand mold or other sand molds again.